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Moving to Prosebox

January 31, 2014
I know I hardly write anymore, but am hoping that will change soon. But if anyone out there wants to follow me over to Prosebox you can find me there under the same username --pohutukawa--        
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Recent Entries

  • 30 weeks to go…
    June 30, 2013
    Until David and I are parents!   My due date is Jan 24 2014, although David likes to believe it's Jan 26 - Australia Day... I guess working for the Aussies has gone to his head a bit! We weren't trying to conceive. In fact, I was on the pill! But we believe it was…
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  • Live well, Laugh often, Love much *edit*
    February 28, 2013
    I know it's a long entry, but it contains so much insight about my last few months. More ups than downs. More love than lust. I need to write more when I am happy and less when I am feeling dejected. So today marks the first day of Autumn. A lot has happened since my…
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  • Amazingly awesomeness!!! (part 2)
    September 12, 2012
    So to follow on from the other day... We are buying a house! It's all official now. We have been discussing moving in together for quite a while now, and since we both hated the idea of renting (which is really just paying off somebody elses mortgage, and then you have nothing to show for…
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  • Amazingly awesomeness!!! (part 1)
    September 10, 2012
    I know I'm so slack at updating here, so here goes... David has been back from his overseas trip for a while now and everything is going well. I've met his new boss and his wife and they are super nice and really easy to get along with :)  David has been quite busy at…
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  • Letter from David: 25th June
    July 11, 2012
    Hello beautiful!   As I start typing this we have just pulled out of Grand Junction station, and very soon we will be crossing the border into Utah. Got the phone on the charger so I can listen to some music later in the night and the sun is sitting fairly low right now, and…
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  • Gifts from David =)
    July 11, 2012
    A few of the gifts that David brought back from his trip for me =)   (sorry the photos are so large, I have no idea how to resize them using the photobucket thing) Cupcake cases and toppers from Montreal: An assortment of cards from Montreal: A NYC photo frame (which I'm going to put…
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  • Postcard from David: 6th June
    July 11, 2012
    Hi Kirsty! The background is Montreal, the middle island is one large park and in the bottom left hand corner is the bridge to the F1 track, and in the very bottom left you can see the hairpin turn where Kirsty the Moose sat! Today has been a clear, sunny day with a high in…
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  • Postcard from David: 10th June
    July 11, 2012
    Hello! As the last thing I do in Montreal I thought I would write you a postcard. Today was the Grand Prix and it has been a wonderful event. Wish you could have been there, although I know you wouldn't have enjoyed it, too noisy... However Kirsty might have looked at shops instead! Can't be...
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