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weiner dog bumper stickers

March 7, 2005
I went to Woofs for lunch today  (what a surprise) and it was nice to see Joe although when I got there he was busy and immediately put a shot of something down in front of me and made me drink it which I did not wanna do because I had not eaten, but I…
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Recent Entries

  • part two of my weekend
    March 6, 2005
    Its quiet in the house.  Husband and dogs are happilly snoring away, and I watched two interesting shows on A & E tonight."Family Plots" is a reality series taped in a mortuary ran by a family consisting of a Father and his three daughters.  It fascinated me because I was amazed at ...
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  • Glorious Spring Rolls
    March 5, 2005
    I love spring days like today.Went shopping at Target, Kroger and other places then just drove around and enjoyed the fact that I had the time to do that.Came home, spent some outside time with the dogs and then had chinese food for dinner.Tommorow I will see the gang at Woofs for lunch and then ...
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  • ho hum
    March 3, 2005
    Off to work in less than an hour.  Feel drained today, tired and not fully awake yet.  Got off the phone with the bank a few minutes ago and had to get a SIXTY DOLLAR overdraft refunded due to an error from an automatic draft that was somehow taken out twice.  UGH, what a mess…
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  • Mom
    March 1, 2005
    Left work early today to have dinner with my Mother who is passing through the ATL on her way to see friends in Nashville.  Of course I feel guilt about leaving early and afraid I am gonna get in troulble over it.Bossman leaves early all the time so I could remind him of that if he gives me…
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  • Feel like a million bucks…
    February 27, 2005
    Hillary Swank won again for best actress in a feature film.   Great for her..I really wanted her to win because I think she is like me:  this person that is always searching for something more and never quite finding it and when I do find it, I am not so sure what to do..I have…
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  • back to work tomorrow
    February 27, 2005
    UGH.... Every week I ruin my second day off by worrying so much about having to run the pizza joint for the next five days.  Five days of smelling like pizza and getting pissed off and paperwork, etc.  My job sucks more than most people's jobs..Joey comes home tonight and I am planning on molesti...
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  • ahhhh the joy of it all…..
    February 26, 2005
    Its my weekend, amen!Two wonderful, glorious days off with the smell of pizza not lingering on my horny body.Tomorrow is Oscar day and while I probably will not watch, I am rooting for Million Dollar Baby to win.Joey and I saw it next weekend and it was terrific and Hillary and Clint and Morgan w...
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  • still wide awake at 4:38!
    February 26, 2005
    It seems that when I get to take two days off in a row after five days making pizzas, I cannot sleep.  I tried and tried, but it did not work very well.  I got to thinking about my goals, short and long term, and thought I would type them out here to try and…
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  • lectures and the bosses butt
    February 25, 2005
    Home from work for a few hours now but joey is out of town so I am drinking beer and smoking cigarettes.  Ahhh the joy of it all!  To be single for a few days after being with Joey for four years now is a welcome release from the daily grind. The dogs have been given…
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