I don't know if I'm sticking around again, but I think I will try. There have been many changes over the years, but I do sometimes miss having that special internet place free of my real world attachments.

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March 11, 2018
I must have started my tossing and turning around 5:30 am. I awoke with that feeling in my stomach, and I knew puking was inevitable. I tried to force it down for more sleep, and I sort of managed that for an hour. Then it was time to face the music. It's hitting me pretty…
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  • a new leaf
    March 9, 2018
    I went through and saved all my old entries as private. I am not that person anymore. I feel like I sometimes need to remember the shell I was to appreciate the person I am, but those memories are only for me, now. I don't know how much I expect to be around. If anybody…
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