There should be no adjective for life, it just is.

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Jaumea carnosa

January 6, 2014
Jaumea carnosa marsh jaumea family Asteraceae  Special marsh plants are special   I applied for an invasive plant mapping internship in the redwood forest :3 My GPA is around a 2.2 atm….so I'm not sure what my chances are of getting it. They extended the deadline to the end of th...
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Recent Entries

  • Argemone munita
    December 29, 2013
      Argemone munita prickly poppy Family Papaveraceae everything about this holiday felt so surreal. christmas in LA is like christmas in july a sort of light hearted joke I went in to the city and was blinded by the lights swallowed whole by crowds of people rushing buzzing buying consuming t...
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  • lupinus bicolor
    December 4, 2013
    dreaming of springtime purple lupins on the mountains    I haven't had much to say lately thinking constantly words that never really seem to have any meaning in the coming weeks, things could go really well, or they could blow up in my face it's been so cold, my car door was frozen shu...
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  • quercus agrifolia
    November 16, 2013
    Quercus agrifolia family fagaceae coast live oak <3    Everything feels okay for a while and then it doesn't couldn't get the all the classes I want for next semester all of my classes this semester have grades on the edge right now I'm trying to delude myself into thinking I can pas...
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  • the hardest button to button
    November 9, 2013
     on wednesday everything came crushing down on top of my chest at the beginning of a 4 hour class, in front of peers that I'll be taking classes with until I graduate. I ran to the bathroom, hands covering my face, trying to get a grip on myself I went in the handicapped stall crouched…
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  • my moon my man
    October 31, 2013
     it's november soon it'll be december, this semester will be over, where will I be? Up here and working and spending my free time with eric? Halloween came and went, we carved a pumpkin and made pumpkin bread and drank wine and laid next to each other, he just held me, as if he had…
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  • Pinus contorta
    October 26, 2013
    Pinus contorta Beach pine family: Pinaceae  These are all over the dunes, frothy and covered in lichen.   Driving home through the fog, I felt the serenity of being completely alone. nothing to look at, just misty whiteness settling around me, cutting the whole world and it's problems o...
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  • Myrica californica
    October 16, 2013
    Myrica californica family: Ericaceae Pacific wax myrtle whenever we talk about this tree we make jokes about 'Murica It took me so long to remember these guys, but they're all over the area it's so dry and hot during the day the biggest drought this county has ever seen I just want some cold weat...
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  • not scared
    October 9, 2013
     I'm supposed to be writing a proposal for my wildlife class. It's in a funky format that I don't understand and I have no one to ask and I really need a break. after that is calculus, which I'm sure will take me into hours I don't want to think about. I've been rather stuck…
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  • Sailor’s life
    October 5, 2013
    I woke up on my own at 7 this morning, went for a walk to the forest, forgot that's where the hobos sleep. It was hot enough to wear just a sun dress today it's october. Life continues with or without me. my crazy came up and gurgled for a bit but I pushed it…
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