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  • Morning Peace on the Porch
    May 24, 2024
    Up and out with the sunrise this morning as it reflects across the morning dew. It is another peaceful morning as I walked my first four thousand steps. There are no other walkers this morning. I suppose they are just arising from their slumber and preparing to also get out and enjoy this wonderf...
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  • 15 Days Alcohol Free
    May 23, 2024
    Today marks the 15th day since I gave up alcohol. The pandemic came about while I was living in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon to be exact. It's a rainy, gloomy environment where drinking alcohol is the average hobby of most. I too fed into the madness of finding the crown jewel of beer, the IPA&h...
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  • Asset 6
    Billy’s Greeting to Open Diary
    May 22, 2024
    It's another beautiful morning here in our Retirement Village in the Great State of Pennsylvania. After taking a morning walk to greet the sun as it rises, I am no settled in on the porch with a fresh cup of coffee and the opportunity to share my thoughts on the this new journaling platform calle...
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