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sand dunes

August 26, 2013
I can't believe it's nearly September and I've only written 5 times this year. I don't really know what's going on with me, I just haven't felt inspired.  I'm busy housesitting for a friend. I'm home alone in a really old farm house in the middle of a field and miles from anyone. I'm having&...
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Recent Entries

  • change of heart
    June 12, 2013
    I've fallen off the ODsphere, and it's because my head and my heart and my life has felt like it's been in turmoil over the last 6 months and I haven't known where to start. We bought this house in September, it was supposed to be the beginning of our new life together, living the…
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  • Auntie Edi
    February 17, 2013
    My brother's baby arrived :D On 17 February, baby Sophie arrived, weighing a tiny 6 pounds. She is adorable.  I don't even like babies, but this one is super cute :D I didn't think I'd be so excited, but I really am
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  • three months turned to sand
    February 11, 2013
    I can't quite believe that November was the last time I wrote! I guess a short round up is in order   My brother's baby is due in 4 weeks. His girlfriend is huge and ready to pop! They're still trying to decide on a name, at the moment it's between Sophie and Olivia. I'm…
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  • broken heart
    January 10, 2013
    Today I unfriended one of my best friends from Facebook.  The removal of her from facebook is more of a metaphor for the removal of her from my life and my thoughts. Briggs, Chez and I were inseparable since we were 15.  I've been friends with Chez since we were 12, when we got to…
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  • abandoned dreams
    January 6, 2013
    This blog contains the most beautiful photos ever. Looking through it made me feel instantly sick with guilt that I've all but abandoned my camera.                          
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  • losing important things
    December 15, 2012
    I had a dream last night that we had a baby, we called him Jack and we lost him in Primark. Very odd. Update to come soon, I promise. 
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  • NoJoMo 17
    November 16, 2012
    Went to work this morning. A quick trip to Reus and back and I was home by 3pm :) And then we painted! We painted one wall in our lounge bright teal and it looks wonderful. Ben and I kept elbowing eachother and saying things like "look at our feature wall" "I've never had a…
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  • NoJoMo 16
    November 15, 2012
    We went to buy paint today. We've got 7 fucking squares of different whites on our wall, and we finally chose one. Pootled down to B&Q to finally buy the paint we've chosen and they don't have it in stock! Today wasn't a particularly productive day. Tidied up a bit. Did 3 loads of washing.&he...
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  • NoJoMo 15
    November 15, 2012
    I had a rather indulgent day today. I met Rachael for cupcakes and coffee at 1. We went into town together afterwards and got a hotdog from the german market. We went walking around the shops. Rach has a rather weird obsession with looking at food. We went to Hotel Chocolate, the health food shop...
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