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I don’t know what I’m gonna do

June 11, 2024
I got the caregiver job. But that wasn't to difficult because there really desperate in this field. Going to two day training now. But this job has A Lot of different papers to fill out during the job, needs to be filled out certain ways, very particular. I need practice. And it was A Lot…
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Recent Entries

  • I got a…..
    June 8, 2024
    I got a job. Sometime next week I go through two days training, and then I start working. I'm still unsure about getting help right now with the bad situation I'm in. I have no money at the moment. I must take care of my mom who acts like nothing is happening. If I was…
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  • I was ok, until I wasn’t
    June 6, 2024
    If I don't leave this abusive situation soon, I'm going to ask myself what's wrong with you.  I almost left somewhere at the beginning of last week, I think. I was Very irritate about the new so called family dynamic. Why doesn't she put things straight? She's the head of the household? I read my...
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  • Can’t & won’t take it anymore!!!!
    June 2, 2024
    My mom had the gull to talk behind my back just before bed last night, and lie to my face about it.  She acted like Ann, one of her so called friends.  ALL THE PEOPLE I'M AROUND ARE HURT, AND THIS IS SO NOT HELPING ME.  I DON'T WANT TO BE HURT BY THESE NICKEL…
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  • 😭
    June 1, 2024
    I had, or was supposed to have an interview today. I found out that they didn't get my resume when I applied. So the date I set to have the interview..... well no one would have been prepared for that interview. So I didn't go to it.😭 I have another interview for a different position,…
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  • You know what….
    May 30, 2024
    U know what, I don't even care anymore. I'm giving this problem to Jesus.  I just came back from the store....a small dog started barking at me like a mad dog through the fence. Then right after all that barking for no reason a very big white truck started barreling down the road like it…
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  • Testimony
    May 27, 2024
    Trying to tell people, don't know where to start. You all, Jesus love's you. My experience..... Jesus protected me from a drug addict. He gave me a happy song that I woke up singing for a while. But I'm very new at this. Don't actually know what I'm doing. I didn't testify because I was…
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  • Heavily chemically dosed
    May 26, 2024
    Oh God, thank you and praise you for everything. God I've been struggling all day. I've just realized, I think it's been because I have not been keeping my eyes 👀 on you. I think you talked me down from buying a 🗡️ to protect myself..... and then u talked me out of buying a…
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  • I can’t sleep
    May 26, 2024
    I can't sleep for a very good reason. I'm suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. It comes up through the floor boards. Or maybe it's not carbon monoxide. I set 2..... what do you call them.....u fill them up with gass, cook ur food when you go out camping, canister's. They disappeared from und...
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  • God is with me
    May 20, 2024
    Got up this morning. I put God first.... I've been having trouble with that. My mom forgot to pay her phone bill, so that's the first place we went. Then I was going to go to Happy Valley Park but I got the seeds I was waiting for. I would so want to build up…
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