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  • Give a little more love this Christmas …
    December 2, 2012
      Give a little more love this Christmas,   and not ask for anything in return … that is my aspiration.   Here's why I liked this video:   "For gifts you can't wait to give'. There is something even more wonderful than receiving the perfect gift, and that is k...
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    November 5, 2012
    We owe it to our country - to those who died giving us the right - to our children who look to us as someone to emulate - and to ourselves! VOTE TODAY! 29,160      
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  • I Took The Chance, Lost. Now It’s Time To Pay!
    March 23, 2012
    (07/08/2012 - Sorry, I made an edit change to the title and it brought the entry to the top again.)  I took the chance, the bet was wrong, and now it was time to pay.   Our lifetime together, our marriage, hung in the balance but I didn’t know it then.   1984; the time…
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  • Mr. Diary Master Dude, you ARE kidding, right?
    March 12, 2012
    Theme of the Week This week's question: What improvements would you like to see made to Open Diary?    Mr. Diary Master Dude, you ARE kidding, right? Like there’s not enough ideas on your own diary to contemplate?  (See the Notes section on your February 23, 2012 entry) ...
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  • Oh, so THATÂ’s where the perineum is located!
    September 10, 2011
          A couple of dear friends gave me a bicycle for my birthday a couple years back. I knew I’d written them a thank you note about my first few experiences with that damn thing but I just discovered I never posted the thank you note here.  So, here it is:   &...
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  • Ladies, do you REALLY want us to lie to you?
    June 12, 2011
    I'm so confused!   26,834
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  • Ah beautiful Ericka
    May 25, 2011
    6:15 AM this morning, I’m in line at my favorite Starbucks, I see my favorite cashier behind the register without her usual smiley face. My mind races, ‘she’s unhappy about something.  Should I say something?  What?’  My turn comes:   “A...
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  • Sometimes things are so perfect, it scares a man –
    April 16, 2011
      Life has become strange lately.   I seem to have embarked on a mindless, unguided, unintentional, self-destruct mission.  Taking seemingly easy tasks and prolonging them, until they become threatening.   Today, the sultry Mexican music wrapped its tendrils around my mind and...
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  • Are you a woman, or do you love a woman? Watch!
    January 12, 2011
    “A tool that finds three times more breast tumors, and why it's not available to you!” Dr. Deborah Rhodes is an expert at managing breast-cancer risk. The director of the Mayo Clinic’s Executive Health Program is now testing a gamma camera that can see tumors that get missed by ...
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