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i know now

July 10, 2013
 I have been looking for someone who can understand what I'm saying Maybe I should title this "easier said than done" I'm annoyed with contradictions and giving up. Ugh. It's my dad. all over again.
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  • I think…
    June 24, 2013
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  • None.
    June 18, 2013
     Morning for lover's lost The list is long not so proud. The mourning widows weep in long black shrouds. So solemn with their broken hearts at least he's gone Never to be heard from again Mine sits across from me breaking every day What the fuck am I doing here? Why have I been saying…
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  • floating
    June 14, 2013
     I think I must've died already and all this is just a dream.
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  • how it is
    June 13, 2013
     I say I want to quit smoking then I light up another cigarette.
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  • fuck fuck fuck
    June 10, 2013
    Why am I out of beer? Why do the bars close too early? Why am I here?   Fuck.
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  • What a Cunt
    May 28, 2013
    There are no words for cowards and my intolerance for them. Go running away from the responsibility like the stupid little girl you keep locked up inside. What the fuck is wrong with you? How hard is it to send a fucking box? Stupid little coward girl. Can't handle the criticism of the truth. Goo...
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  • i do
    May 26, 2013
     I can miss you when I'm standing right by you.
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  • Oh
    May 9, 2013
    The stain is growing from his chest Dribbling down to the floor. Now I can always know where to find him. Fear creeping into my chest Chimney lungs and whiskey stomach The articulate outcry of love confessed A courageous heart unmatched You can find me on the floor
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  • Please Don’t Fail Yourself Now
    April 30, 2013
    I have come home. It certainly feels this way. The sun's warmth fighting the cool wind as it blows me down the street tousling my hair, a smile in my heart I have found the simple life I was seeking. It feels nice. The warm blanket chases away the chill of the night as I…
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