I answer to Ashley. I'm 23 years young. I have a beautiful son. And yes, I'm happily taken by my baby's daddy. I'm loving my life as a stay at home mom. I'm addicted to shopping, texting, & affection. I use to be spoiled, but I've been broke from that. When I'm bored, I can talk about absolutely nothing at all. I have no regrets...just lessons learned. It's not really hard to please me, just show me some attention. If you don't like me -- too bad for you. I don't live my life for anyone except me. I'm 100% myself & I don't need your approval. If your going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty. And please....save the drama for your mama....I have my own.!

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    May 19, 2006
          quotes i like A few quotes i loooove: 1. You have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had, always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret, people change, things go wrong, just remember LIFE G...
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  • Tell The Truth For Once…Please!
    May 18, 2006
            That would be Roger....my boyfriend...laying in the middle of a road. Where? I dunno. Who took ths pic? Some chick name Tiffany. Who is that? I dunno. Roger's best friend Dan lives about 45mins away. He comes down maybe once or twice a month and Roger and him always ha...
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  • a few room pics.
    May 18, 2006
          ^ MY NEW BED!!! (and new wall color) ^ New stuff....(minus the plastic things on top of the chest! nothing was decorated yet)) ^ Just my bed... ^ Random shot...LOL
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  • Life….what a drag!
    May 10, 2006
          * the weather is shitty. my room is almost finished. i still have to purchase a bed and dresser. I am kinda pissed becuz I had a few people tell me they'd help me when I started to paint my room. Yea Okay...I've had 3 people help me....and both only got to stay…
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  • Black Sharpie Minis
    May 2, 2006
      * Can't really chat long. I've got to clean up the living room...BLAH! I'm actually really anxious for this weekend to get here becuz I'm painting me room! It's baby blue right now with pink curtains (had them since I was born LOL) and all kinda furniture in it. Nothing really matches, but...
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  • Stressed The Fuck Out
    April 29, 2006
    * ever since friday i have been stressed out. for more than one reason though...which i would rather keep secret.  i cant really tell roger the reaons right now either becuz then he'd be pissed and a little nervous and maybe scared. okay, i doubt the scared part becuz he's never really scare...
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  • No Need To Bitch. LOL!
    April 24, 2006
    * Well last night I confronted Roger on AIM about the notes from that girl. We really didn't talk much. All I did was ask him to TELL her to chill out and keep her OD name off of mine. HaHa!! Yes, I am curious if they really talk and if so, why they talk…
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    April 23, 2006
          * okay, so some girl that i've never talked to left a note on my last entry and said that i was lying about having sex! now why would i do that?! i'm not stupid or pathetic and i have no need to lie about SEX of all things. if i was…
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  • amazing sex
    April 22, 2006
          * this morning roger came over to my house to go 4wheeling. so when he got here we watch a bit of tv then he rode the 4wheeler while i laid out. damn the weather was perfect for laying out today! anyways, all throughout the day him and i had been very sexual…
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