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the winter that never ended…

April 15, 2018
tonight, before he went out, mike said it's so strange when K is gone, and it's just us and the littles. it's the only time we all have to confront that we are a step/half family situation. apparently matty cried for an hour after i left to bring kalen to meet andrew's mom. it's hard…
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  • a lot of reasons i am the worst…
    April 13, 2018
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  • i think it must be fate…
    April 7, 2018
    that i am feeling the worst i have felt in years and years, and i am sitting here wondering what to so, and then i see an email saying OD is back. it's been approximately two lifetimes since i wrote here, and yet at this moment i am feeling so overwhelmed and sad that i…
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  • back again!
    July 19, 2012
    I havent logged on to OD in ages. i think of it, and the friends i found here, often... but i have struggled to actually get back here. there are a million excuses to make for why i've stayed away so long: i had 2 kids to contend with, there were wedding details to be…
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  • still alive …ish
    March 2, 2010
    i miss having time to write. i miss having time to think. i miss having kalen confined to a pen of some sort, rather than everywhere all the time. i miss having one kid to get through the day instead of two (desmond is now with us full-time.) i miss having no kids instead of…
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  • 04/24/2009
    April 23, 2009
    it's already so nice out, I can't imagine what tomorrow and sunday are going to be like. the weather folks are still claiming it will be in the high 70's. it is going to be amazing. but today is in the mid 60s and quite enjoyable, so Kalen and I are going to meet marco…
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  • back from retirement
    April 22, 2009
    So, when last we met, dearest diary, I had found out I was pregnant. I had yet to tell Marco and things were very much up in the air. Goes to show how much can change in just a matter of months. And how they can still be very much the same... I seriously couldn't…
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  • Time will tell…
    November 6, 2008
        Sorry for the cryptic nature of my previous entry. I sat down wanting to write more, but I have just been too drained to do much of anything.   So to clarify: -         yes, I am pregnant -         ...
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  • YES WE CAN!!!!
    November 4, 2008
    I am finally proud to be an American... this is such an amazing day. The world is finally turning into the kind of place I want to raise my son in. with everything that has been going on, it's nice to get a lttle faith restored now and then :) and i know this isn't the…
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  • Not dead … yet
    October 3, 2008
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