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Dirty Pants…

September 9, 2007
So yeah..its been about a week, or over and im still crapping left and right..just once i would love to eat a meal and have it stick!!! Sheesh.....We spent all day Friday at the doctors and i do mean all day except that brief time period that we went to pick up the kids..And then…
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Recent Entries

  • My Sore Ass…
    September 1, 2007
    So yeah, we were having a perfectly great day at the river guessed it. They dared the Redneck girl in me to ask these guys for a ride on the tube in the river..yes, i went tubing in muddy river water!!! So everyone was wont do it, you wont. So me not being…
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  • Survey….
    September 1, 2007
    1. Look out the window. What do you see?The neighbors back yard..they got something covered in a tarp..i think its dead bodies...2. Last beverage you consumed?Sprite...3. Are you a sexual predator?Sure..i stalk Sherrie all the time*evil grins*4. Three words to explain why you last threw up?Jim, J...
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  • Keeping My Distance…
    August 14, 2007
    Hey there friends..gosh, its been a long time!!! Well heres my update on the redneck boy! Im keeping my distance because i believe he has issues, lol. Imagine that a boy with issues. Yeah so I'm floating along in my little bubble of happiness and boom...the bottom falls out, and my bubble is burs...
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  • My Mouth
    August 8, 2007
    Oh goodness...this diary could go a million different ways, lol. NO..its not dirty, my jaw is locking up on me and making my darn ear hurt, not to mention it makes sleep near impossible. I was so thinking of going to the er..but i dont want to seem to god awful whiny, you know. It…
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  • Update on New Guy
    August 8, 2007
    Okay, since my girl mentioned it, i will elaborate. Ive got time to waiting on him to come over. We met him doing karaoke at one of our favorite spots, hes a redneck, of course. Thats the only kind i go for, hahaha. Must be big, loud, and totally taken by cute brunettes that…
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  • Last Night
    August 7, 2007 I'm sitting here naked waitng to see a man about a dog..yeah again, i suppose i should put some clothes on but you know the queen likes it when I run around here i am. We went out to Fatboys last night, and i am so tired of all the lil skinny girls…
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  • What a Weekend
    August 6, 2007
    Oh was a great weekend. It was a three day weekend, that pretty much ended in my crashing in the bed Sunday and not getting up unless it was vital to life, or life threatening..neither of which happened. However..Monday morning, i get this great call from the lil boys got poo...
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  • In the beginning…
    August 1, 2007
    I guess i should introduce myself, I'm the Princess. I am kinda new to blogging although i've been keeping a written journal, and i blog mindlessly on Myspace, my girlfriend assures me this is much better so here i go. Today was kinda rough. Among other things, i didnt get to sleep as late as&hel...
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  • The Dreads…
    August 1, 2007
    Good Morning everyone, its me the princess. I am not normally up and about at such an ungodly hour, however, i woke up with a terrible sense of dread this morning. Like something was way wrong and i cant place it. Heres a little more background info on the situation. If you have been reading…
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