American mom of 5, living in the beautiful country of New Zealand with my darling husband; whom I met right here on OD!

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12 days and counting

March 2, 2018
So baby is due in 12 days and I can’t really decide if I can’t wait or am so not ready. Not that it matters, she will arrive when she is ready, of course. Potty training has actually been fairly darn successful! She isn’t 100%, but she does go on her own at home and…
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Recent Entries

  • Getting there
    February 9, 2018
    Well, the kids had 3 daysback to school this week. It was a very busy week on my end, getting to appointments that I put off all holidays. Potty training for my Annabelle is actually coming along, with the help of some peanut butter m&m’s! Her teacher aide at school has been amazing with enco...
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  • Failing before I start
    February 1, 2018
    So my daughter Annabelle is 8 next month, and is severely Autistic. I’ve tried potty training before, but never got far at all. I’m starting again today, but feeling utterly discouraged already. She is super attached to her nappies. She keeps pulling out old ones somehow (is she getting into the ...
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  • I’m Back
    January 29, 2018
    Trying to navigate and decide if I will return for good. Sad that I can’t access the few friends I have on my list still. Amazed that my diary is back. I thought I lost it forever, and I’m so excited it’s still here. Wondering if typing on my phone will be the same or…
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  • Jack
    May 19, 2013
    My little nephew Jack is dying right now. It is slow, but inevitable. Could be days, could be weeks. But that is all. I can't remember if I wrote about jack, and can't really be bothered checking. He was 2 weeks old when he was diagnosed with cardio myopathy, a heart made of weak heart…
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  • Supportless
    March 25, 2013
    3 years ago, we were expecting Annabelle to come along soon, Alister had lost his dream job and had the option of going back to his old job....which he had always loathed. We made the decision to cut bait and move up to Nelson from Christchurch, move in with Ali's parents, and start looking for&h...
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  • 12 week scan and chicken pox
    March 24, 2013
    So the weeks march on with nary an entry from me.....le sigh. I always mean to write and just don't. BUT, I have put the computer back in the lounge, because i could never get to it in my room, and it was just awkward having it on the top of my dresser! So, fingers…
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  • How I Feel
    February 2, 2013
    I think a lot of people have been taken aback by my pregnancy news, both here and in real life. It's true, I have been struggling with my 3, should I feel guilty I am ridiculously excited for my new baby? I think a few people I know in real life would rather me be…
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  • Oh wow
    January 22, 2013
    I'm pregnant again. o.OAlso, it's my 10 year anniversary of knowing Alister this month. Crazy. That must mean I've been on OD for 11 years. Nutsola.
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  • Not Christmas
    December 24, 2012
    I had a crazy Christmas, but I am not going to write about that yet.This entry is for me, to remember. I just read a blog entry where a lady was documenting the birth of her daughter, who she then learned was a down syndrome baby.One line resonated with me, which is my biggest, and…
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