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So it’s back

February 18, 2018
Wow!!! Who knew opendairy was reclaiming our time πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜†. On a serious note, I need this. I have although going on and journaling is so therapeutic for changing perspective and see it from a different place.excited to jump back in hey guys!
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Recent Entries

  • OMG have I missed you guys!!!!!
    July 25, 2013
         WOW! Hopefully I still have some OD friends out there. GEEZLE PEETS WHere have I been! ?!?! I'll tell ya where. On Facebook! HA Hopefully you do have me as a friend on there but I promise to spend more time here now as well. I can be a little more intimate here....
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  • Sorry no NOJOMO for me but new vid
    November 1, 2011
    Hey guys, I thought about doing this but I know I'd mess up on weekends but hey I am doing better updating :) Found an old vid singing one of my favs and posted it to my youtube and added it here watch when you get a chance. Oh and OAN ministering at the Bobby…
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  • Nashville Concert was AMAZING (vids)
    October 8, 2011
         Hello guys, I know it's been almost a week since I've updated but I've been extremely busy this past week as a matter of fact only got to workout once. And the scale showed it too. Back to starting weight hmphf....anyhoo I told you all that I had a concert this weekend in…
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  • Weigh in day and family boat ride
    September 30, 2011
         Weigh in today has been really good I lost 4 lbs!!! Yayy! I have modified my eating along with the working out and it helps that TOM is over. Last night my family had a boat ride on the Ohio River it was like a riverboat cruise with upper deck outside lower deck inside&he...
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  • Concert was Awesome sauce!
    September 24, 2011
         Yesterday I got a 2 hour intensive workout in went to the store bought a few accessories to go with the outfit I was going to wear to the concert then came home. Bought some wings then came home and watched college football. Put my hair in a rollerset stripped down to undies&h...
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  • Its Okay
    September 23, 2011
    Got on the scale today after a week of working out and I've gained 2 lbs . It's Okay I know my eating hasn't been the best and I'm just getting back into this so I'm not tripping about it at all. Getting ready to head to the gym in about an hour or so.…
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  • The wells that God Provides
    September 20, 2011
        I am sure that God assigns his children to wells of untapped revelation and resources to help us along in our journey. My wells usually comes in the form of People. Lately every new friendship has been God Ordained Divine appointments. No real friendship has come haphazardly it's ac...
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  • A bunch of crybabies (Biggest Loser) I Can’t
    September 19, 2011
          I said I wasn't gonna watch because they cue  the violins every time someone is taking on the single shots. Super Dramatic and I hate how Bob and the Other trainers like to Reiterate the highest weight that the contestants weighed over and over ugh. I don't know why...
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  • Swimming at the Y
    September 18, 2011
          Well since my son needed to get therapy on his knee and one of the suggestions from the dr was walking in the pool for exercise I went ahead and purchased a membership to the YMCA. Got a membership on Saturday as they were waiving registration. SCORE!! I've been working out s...
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