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Rough day today.

January 16, 2012
Today was the funeral of one of my coworkers. I have worked with him for about 8 years. A few days after Christmas, he collapsed at home. His wife brought him to the ER, and they found out he had a brain tumor. He was in surger the next day, but never recovered from the…
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Recent Entries

  • A Volleyball Day
    December 9, 2011
    This weekend and last weekend was Rebecca's volleyball end-of-season tournament. She is on a team she's played a few seasons with. She's also played basketball at different times with most of the girls. Most of the girls go to a different elementary school than she does, but they will all end up ...
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  • A Yearly Update
    December 5, 2011
    Well. It's been over a year since I've written - don't know if I will start writing more regularly or not, but let's at least get something in here about 2011! The kids are all doing well. Courtney is in 8th grade, still in band & doing well. She didn't play basketball at school this yea...
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  • Happy Thanksgiving!
    November 24, 2010
    We had a small Thanksgiving this year - just us, my father-in-law and brother-in-law. My mother-in-law and nephew went to San Antonio to visit her family there (his school was out all week). Rebecca made placemats for everyone with place to write 10 things we were thankful for. Before the meal we...
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  • Busy Start to School Year
    October 3, 2010
    Well school has been going for 6 weeks. It has been a busy time! Here is my crew on the first day of school: It's been a new experience with Courtney in junior high. She rides the bus to & from school, but she has band before school one day a week and after school a…
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  • Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
    June 15, 2008
    I've had mostly favorites only entries for a while, recently talking about my diagnosis & starting treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma. If you'd like to read about this & aren't on my favorites, let me know and I'll add you.
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  • OP
    April 15, 2008
    When I was in 7th grade, OP (Ocean Pacific) clothes were hot stuff. I had a purple and white striped long sleeved top and some sort of purple or white coordinating vest that I wore together and it was radical, dude. We had to go to a boutique in town to get OP clothes because…
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  • Tuesday
    April 7, 2008
    Not much going on today. I got quite a few things accomplished at work which is always a good feeling. Too often (especially during the first quarter) I feel like I'm running in place and getting nothing done. On the radio this morning the dj's were talking about Sweet Shop USA which is a chocola...
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  • Frak Me
    April 6, 2008
    Well the Home Depot Home Services visit that was rescheduled from last Wednesday happened today. Oh.My.Lord. Her estimate for redoing the powder room (7' x 3') was $7,800. This included tiling the floor, a new vanity/sink/faucet, and texture & paint the walls. Clearly I need to learn how to d...
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  • . Another Week
    April 6, 2008
    Well it's Monday the start of another week. The weeks just keep marching on. I had a good weekend. Friday a friend of my father-in-law's who is a financial planner came by. He had given her my name when she asked him for a referral. She's nice, I listened to her spiel and I'm doing…
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