The diary of a girl who finally got all she'd ever wanted in life...and then some...

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Goodbye old friend

February 5, 2014
I started this diary when Michaela was 2 months old. And now, she's 13. Losing OD is making me incredibly sad. All the memories and cherished friendships. It breaks my heart.
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  • Copyright
    February 5, 2014
    Anything I have written on any incarnation of Open Diary belongs to me. I own a full digital copy of my writings in XML format as proof of ownership. If the database is transferred or sold, my property may not be used for any purpose other than their original application - if Open Diary were…
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  • Copyright
    February 5, 2014
    Anything I have written on any incarnation of Open Diary belongs to me. I own a full digital copy of my writings in XML format as proof of ownership. If the database is transferred or sold, my property may not be used for any purpose other than their original application - if Open Diary were…
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  • Copyright
    February 5, 2014
    Anything I have written on any incarnation of Open Diary belongs to me. I own a full digital copy of my writings in XML format as proof of ownership. If the database is transferred or sold, my property may not be used for any purpose other than their original application - if Open Diary were…
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  • PB
    January 26, 2014
    When OD is gone, you can find me here: Mikie at I've not written here much the last year or so, but I'm sad to see this place go. I've been here for 13 years. I feel like I'm losing my best friend. So please, come find me over there. I'll write an entry…
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  • Curves – 14 months
    May 24, 2011
    Well, after falling off the wagon for 2 months, I hopped back on and buckled down. It was hard, but I did it. And I feel a lot better for it. I'm back down in the teens of the 200's, and I am planning on staying down here for a little while. I do not…
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  • Curves – 13 months
    May 9, 2011
    I know this is a little lot late, and I apologize. I'll be honest and say I did not want to post it because, well, after all of the good posts I've had over the last year, I didn't want to post a not-so-good one. But the more I thought about it, the more I…
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  • One Year After Joining Curves
    March 27, 2011
    March 26th, 2011 marked my one year anniversary of joining Curves. I did my official weigh-in and measure this morning. I am very pleased with everything I accomplished this last month, and over the course of this last year. My life has completely changed - for the better. Thanks to Curves, Renee...
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  • Month Eleven Weigh-In and Measurements
    February 26, 2011
    Yesterday was weigh-in and measure day at Curves. It was also the 1 year anniversary of when Renee and Marsha bought the Sherwood Curves location. Renee was updating my "wall of fame" photo for the party, so we decided to do my weigh/measure a couple days early. That way she had up-to-date inform...
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  • Month Ten Weigh-In and Measurements
    January 21, 2011
    Today was weigh-in and measure day at Curves. There will be pictures at the end of this, just so you know. =) This month's losses were small but significant. They made me happy. Like I always say, a loss is a loss no matter how small. So anything I get, I'll take and I'll be…
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