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Life is lifeing

September 9, 2024
Journal, I am so weird—truly. However, considering the number of people worldwide, a fair amount must match me. I am curious about how others perceive the world and even more about how I perceive the world. Is it okay to be my own best friend? In doing this, I tend to let myself slack. But…
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Recent Entries

  • Different People; Different Touch.
    September 8, 2024
    Journal, Hi, lovely. My brain is overwhelmed, and I am struggling with my English Lit. assignments. As I read the words, I fall into the familiar, comforting analysis pattern; this comfort is violently removed by intrusive, albeit beautiful, thoughts. So, I reach for you, good sir, and hope to fa...
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  • Turquoise Grass
    September 5, 2024
    Journal, Whelp, I do not know what the hell I want—at all. Shane came over last night, and it was okay. This morning, I was like, oh, here comes the good morning text—eye roll; it did not come. Funny, also, it was kind of not. I texted this afternoon, and we chatted for a few…
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  • insensitive?
    September 4, 2024
    Journal, I feel awful. Arjun emailed me, but I didn't even read it. I feel so insensitive—and relieved. My fault was that I made too many false promises, which is where my guilt manifested. Why did I tell him I would date him? I felt terrible for him, and he reminded me of home. I…
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  • School & Arjun
    September 2, 2024
    Hi! I haven't written in ages. Can you believe I'm in school?! The changes in my life have flipped; it was weird that I was a student, but not anymore. Even thoughts of drinking or using are like those rare donuts in Hassiebounce- rare occurrences. However, I have become more balanced. For instan...
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