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ugh why

July 27, 2024
He finally gets a day off and instead of planning the day with me its everything else.  I'm a lil tired of being second best.  I'm tired of asking his grown ass kids to do their part in this.  So now the cabin is for sale as is and that includes what ever stuff is…
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Recent Entries

  • Asset 6
    Old Me, New View Ch. 6
    July 9, 2024
    When I was about four years old, I asked my dad if I could have my own room.  Only problem with that was it needed to be built.  I got it eventually cause my daddy built it.  Pawpaw and Pain helped.  Like most kids I was scared to sleep in my new room alone, so…
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  • Asset 6
    Old Me, New View Ch. 7
    July 8, 2024
    By then we all knew it wouldn't be much longer before little brother would come into this already chaotic world.  January 1994, Welcome home little brother.  I was able to go to the hospital and have some Taco Bell with momma while waiting on the arrival of little brother.  Daddy bought a chocola...
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  • Old ME, New View Ch. 5
    July 7, 2024
    When I was three years old Santa Clause came to the house to visit me.  He gave me all kinds of gifts.  I remember a baby doll and stickers.  The stickers were my favorite.  My daddy was at work as usual.  I remember it all being filmed as the whole thing went on.  I can…
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  • Old Me, New View Ch 4
    July 7, 2024
    I vaguely remember the incident when I was only two years old.  The part of this I do remember is Pawpaw decided to come inside the house with a rifle.  I don't know if it was loaded or not, go ask my dad, because he ran out his bedroom charging at my grandpa in the…
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  • Old Me, New View Amanda’s Version. 
    July 7, 2024
    I've thought long and hard on the title of my book.  I want something that says me.  Old Me, New View Amanda's Version.  That's the title... I think it speaks for itself.
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  • Ch 3 (finally)
    July 1, 2024
    At about six months old, my mother accused my dad and her mom of an affair.  I never would have remembered that at that age.  Just like everything else, it's all hearsay to me, not just crazy.  It went like this, Mawmaw handed me off to my dad and my dad supposedly brushed against my…
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  • Ch 2 of My Book cont’
    June 20, 2024
    In my Maw maw's point of view, she went through all types of hell with my momma and my daddy.  My grandma told me that when I was just three days old my momma went to her and said, "Here, take her, I don't know what to do with that, she won't stop crying."  And…
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  • Ch 2 of My Book
    June 18, 2024
    Since this is MY book, I've decided to start with my Momma's point of view of how my story goes.  She has told these stories to me from HER own mouth.  Sit back cause it's about to get ugly, real ugly.  Don't say I didn't warn ya later.  Not all my chapters are ugly.  Just…
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  • Chapter 1 Of My Book
    June 18, 2024
    This is basically a trial run if anyone sees it for feedback. It's not set in stone yet as I'm sure I'll add more to it later as I remember past events in my life.     You can only remember so far back in your life.  Along the path in your life, you might…
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