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another day . . .

July 9, 2001
well . . .it was another boring day of doing nothing. i didn't leave my house until 10:00pm tonight. and when i left i didn't even do anything exciting. i went and got some gas and bought some candy. i mean, the only thing that made me happy was that the gas price went down…
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Recent Entries

  • i actually stayed awake
    July 8, 2001
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  • umemployment
    July 8, 2001
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  • only at the beach
    July 7, 2001
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  • my day
    July 6, 2001
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  • what to do w/myself
    July 6, 2001
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  • addiction
    July 5, 2001
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  • nothing
    July 5, 2001
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  • so many things
    July 5, 2001
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  • love
    July 5, 2001
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