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that when it snows, my eyes become large

September 23, 2013
im still married. life has been pretty ok i guess. i realised today that i havent written in a while, and some pretty major life events have happened to me. i took today off. just exhausted. and i had a semi-migraine on. and period pains. coupled with the fact that i WAS going to take…
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Recent Entries

  • pehla pyar tera mera
    July 25, 2013
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  • looking to make a vow soon
    June 2, 2013
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  • so girl, what you singing for?
    May 18, 2013
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  • inspiration for this precious song
    May 1, 2013
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  • see beneath your perfect
    April 15, 2013
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  • round and around and around we go
    March 25, 2013
    people are such weirdos. i guess this is another spouty load of crap from me. but i just hate people. and how dense they are. they buy into stuff so quickly. they dont even look at meaning or read between lines.  yunno why i liked stupid youtube videos? because they are what they are. i…
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  • i have to celebrate you, baby
    February 17, 2013
     so i know i have been writing a lot. i think i have no other outlets given i am on my own all the time.  i just want to take a moment and brag about how amazing my fiance is.  went into a small wedding meltdown. i wanted to have the wedding and reception at…
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  • put on your pretty lies
    February 13, 2013
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  • talk stupid- off with your head
    February 12, 2013
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