General mind meanderings. Sometimes it's internal chatter, other times it's the current going-ons in my life.
Currently, it's a personal exercise in rejecting censorship of my own thoughts and feelings. It's my opportunity to see clearer into who I am, want to be and portray myself to be.
Diary and authors thoughts are subject to changes and absences at anytime without forewarning.

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Ongoing saga!

May 5, 2021
Got a message from P asking me to call him if I had a second. Apparently the realtor for the condo we liked called our realtor to say that she was pretty sure that the sale wouldn't go through due to financing, so if we wanted to make an offer, now would be the time.…
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Recent Entries

  • but of course…
    April 26, 2021
    So, unsurprisingly, no response from the seller's realtor. Seriously, would it be that much trouble to come back to us and tell us that they are accepting another offer? Instead they leave us on the hook until 10pm and then don't even bother with a response. What a complete lack of respect. Guess...
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  • Ethics or getting what you want?
    April 26, 2021
    So we put an offer on a condo last Friday. The whole thing kind of snowballed, it's funny. We've been talking about buying for a while but not doing a ton about it. P sold his condo a few weeks ago, the sale went through last week. So now we had no reason not to…
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  • Letting off steam
    April 8, 2021
    Ugh! I am so very, very tired of this! They put the curfew back to 8 pm, not because there is an increase in cases here, but because there might be be!!! Feels like they make up the rules as they go along. Funny how everywhere else seems to have similar curbes whether or not…
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  • head dump
    April 8, 2020
    It's four AM, I've basically not slept tonight... I had a nap in the early evening because of a headache/migraine, and then made the mistake of drinking some tea knowing that I was risking the sleeplessness for the hope that the caffeine would help with the headache. The headache is mostly gone, ...
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  • Pause…
    April 7, 2020
    Going on the third week of confinement in my apartment, fourth week of teleworking, we were at P's place the first week. We ended up at my place because of location, and well, the cat. What's the phrase? Familiarity breeds contempt? I don't think we're there, but I'm afraid of it happening. No re...
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  • Past present, present past
    July 23, 2018
    It's been a interesting few weeks... I don't know that all of it is fit for public consumption, hence a lot of private entries but mostly things are good. So apparently Pascal and I are back together. It's been kind of a strange month actually. We'd only seen each other twice since the break-up i...
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  • Recap and questionable attractions
    June 4, 2018
    Ooof! Quite a few weeks it's been. The end of year concert was this past Saturday, and it seems like all the weekends of the last month have been leading to it (and the festival). Finally it went really well. I had a lot of fun and I got tons of great comments, especially about…
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  • Keep an open mind
    May 7, 2018
    So sometimes it's worth not jumping to conclusions 😛 After not hearing back, I thought it was odd and figured it was worth calling to find out what was up. So he has a new phone and apparently the messaging function was acting up. He hadn't received any text message that day, and had actually&hel...
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  • Ugh… text messaging
    May 4, 2018
    Sometimes text messaging is the bane of my existence (yes, yes, I'm being overdramatic!) So David and I had been texting pretty regularly since last Wednesday. He was usually the one initiating the texts, but either way it was pretty regular. We texted back and forth on Monday and Tuesday, I had ...
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