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  • Swiss Cheese Memory
    October 14, 2024
    This is my daughter and her wife. Edith is on the right. Edith is an assistant manager for a critical care unit in Stanford Hospital. Lindsey is a physician and has her own practice. Me…I’m a retired nurse practitioner. I am the one who has Swiss cheese memory.  I’m at that delusional age where I...
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  • Shadow within my mind
    October 14, 2024
    I am a flaming Liberal and proud of it.  Do have my opinions about “you know who “. I am praying for a blue wave. This neck to neck poles is getting me nervous. I can’t imagine another 4 years of Trump. He is the all that disrespects women. Why are people drinking the koolaid?…
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  • Auto correct
    October 13, 2024
    It helps if you imagine auto correct as a tiny little elf in your phone who’s trying so hard to be helpful, but is in fact quite drunk.
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  • Eczema
    October 7, 2024
    I thought I had herpes on my hand. After a biopsy it came back I have eczema, a bad case of eczema. After a steroid pak it’s much better.
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  • My beautiful granddaughters
    October 7, 2024
    It’s a old picture but they are a handful just like their twin brothers.  
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  • But you don’t see me
    October 7, 2024
    Don’t act like you never waddled across the house to get a roll of toilet paper with your pants around your ankles.
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  • Back stabbers
    October 5, 2024
    it’s not the stab in a back that hurts you. It’s when you turn around and see who’s holding the knife.
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  • Anyone know where Deve went on OD?
    October 5, 2024
    Looking for my friend Deve.
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  • Why don’t men…
    October 5, 2024
    I don’t know why men go to the bar to meet women. Go to Target. The female ratio is like 10:1 and they’re already looking for crap that they don’t need.
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