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I am not that girl anymore

May 8, 2018
February 15, 2012 was the last entry I wrote. I don't remember if I just stopped or if OD went offline at that point, it doesn't really matter suppose. I reopened my OD hoping that the poetry I wrote here was still there, and it was! TY OD! The result of me looking for the…
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Recent Entries

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    September 8, 2009
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  • Glow Worm
    March 19, 2009
    I wish I were a glow-worm, a glow-worm's never glum, coz how could you be grumpy, when the sun shines out your bum
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  • 10/5/08
    October 4, 2008
    you will travel thru a valley of rejection you will reside in a land of morning mists and you will find your home though it wont be where you left it.
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  • time and tide
    June 16, 2008
    time heals all wounds and tide moves all things. i was reading one of my favs entries and that old saying poped into my head.... time heals all wounds. so i spent a few mins thinking about it and then went back into my OD to this day last year to see what it was…
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  • hanging on by what exactly?
    June 8, 2008
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  • every parents wish
    June 5, 2008
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  • the state of things
    June 4, 2008
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  • words of contrition
    May 1, 2008
    saying i'm sorry is all well and good, meaning what you say is even better of course but how do you know the words are truly meant? where is the ruler that i can hold up next to his words and judge their sincerity? why does it take me leaving to make him see that…
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  • the mad comet returns
    April 29, 2008
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