Just another girl
Living in this fucked up world
Trying to make it by
Flying high on a cloud
Wishing I were anywhere
Anywhere but here.

LoL I dunno.

I'm 25... born and raised in south Louisiana. For those of you have dreams about New Orleans... its a great place to be. Its a hop, skip, and jump away from me and I spend alot of time there. I'm a mechanic. I love ducks. My kid is a cat. My love life sucks. And I'm addicted to the Sims 2. What a life. lol.

Welcome to my world :)

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  • *sigh*
    April 8, 2006
    I've been away from open diary a while. I'm way behind. I just haven't had the time... I'm ... I dunno. Don't know why I'm writing now. Guess I just feel like talking to someone and yet don't. Because I don't want to cry like this. I don't want to feel like this. Its like…
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  • Johari / Nohari
    February 19, 2006
    This is something that's kinda cool....   go to these two links and put what you think of me so I can see my windows! http://kevan.org/johari?name=lost_n_translation http://kevan.org/nohari?name=lost_n_translation
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  • 1983
    February 17, 2006
    In The Year 1983... My daddy was my best friend. At the age of 3 he taught me to play poker... and I beat him. He also taught me to play checkers. Something else I've gotten really good at over the years. Important things that happened that year include... Cabbage Patch dolls are a Hit!…
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  • i havne’t been feeling it.
    February 15, 2006
    I've been feeling alot of emotional blahness lately so I haven't been writing. Its stupid really since that's exactly the time when I should be writing. why is it so difficult to talk about how I feel? why do I cower away, withdraw, into myself and my lonliness instead of just admitting to myself...
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  • 26/52 ABC’s… C is for… / Friday Night
    February 10, 2006
    C is for "Crane" I'm a Crane Assembly mechanic. This is one of the crane's my company built. Friday Night It got off to a rocky start. Everyone was running late... but in the end it all turned out alright. Erica and Dave came around 7 and we left here to meet Nikki and Jana…
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  • On Letting Go
    February 8, 2006
    Of the many things I decided I needed to do this year one of them was "letting go". Mom always tells me that I have to learn to let go of my past. Its probably why I can't move forward. I think I've come a long way in past month though. So Sunday night I…
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  • 26/56 ABC’s Rules / A is for….
    February 5, 2006
    Okay, so my fave txthang showed me this game and I'm spreading it. I stole all this info right off his page. There are 26 letters in the alphabet. There are double that many weeks in the year. So, every other week, post a pic that starts with the next letter of the alphabet. In other wo...
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  • 26/56 ABCs B is for….
    February 5, 2006
    Go back one entry for the rules to this game.... B is for "Buddy" This is my Buddy Buddy!! We share a work area in the shop. He's our electrician. We're the two people who have "specialized" positions so we got put together. Its cool though. He calls me a smart ass like twice ...
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  • feeling better
    January 25, 2006
    So I'm finally feeling better and due back at work tomorrow. I have alot to catch up on, but I promise to leave you all notes soon :) I don't have alot to say. Been laid up all week. Can't wait to get things back to normal around here.
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