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Crushing My Pills With Misery

September 14, 2019
This day has been extremely dark and heavy.  I still feel like my heart is empty and like there is nothing that can fill it up. I awoke around 9:00 a.m., got ready and headed over to a friend's house to smoke some weed and head in to see It 2, even though I can't…
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  • Bumble Devil
    September 9, 2019
    I feel sick, I am so depressed.  I haven't been this low in a very long time and it's scary.  I just want to take Benzos and Cannabis  and get in bed and blank out.  I am making it through work although I am quite forgetful and slow from all the self medicating.  I really…
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  • Strawberry Blonde Cop
    September 7, 2019
    It has been on my mind constantly and it sounds psycho for to even being telling anyone about it but what the heck I don't know any of you and you don't know who I am! Over a month ago, I had a little depression breakdown and left our house in a terror making suicide…
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  • The Silence is Deafening
    September 6, 2019
    Today has been a difficult day. I feel like I am a hollow person and what was of me is fading away. After getting to work this morning, I logged into the joint account that I share with my husband. I noticed that he paid over $1,500.00 on his credit card gut only added $400.00…
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  • I Love You So Much I Hate You
    September 6, 2019
    It has been over three weeks now since my husband and I split.  I came to my breaking point before that due to chronic stress due to my husband's chronic work issues. Here is the short story of the long story: When we first met he was unemployed but running a start up company. He…
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  • Hi, my name is Lonely Writer
    September 5, 2019
    I am new here.  I always feel the hunger to write but I can't seem to put my finger on what it is I am supposed to write?  I get very inspired when I read my favourite books like the A Song of Fire and Ice Series.  Its like an itch I cannot scratch so…
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