Loves UK actor Robert Woodhall who played Ruffalo in Therapy film.

Various hobbies/interests.

Working f/t.

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  • Hurricane Ernesto!
    August 23, 2024
    I know most on here will probably disagree with me but Ernesto has been battering the UK and it's been here  all night and still now at 8:27am! I love it! Torrential rain, 78mph winds, magnificent!
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  • A Really Horrible Day, Yesterday!
    August 20, 2024
    From the second I woke up at 6 ready to be at work for 7, it was like being in a huge black cloud. I wasn’t in a bad mood, it was just really weird. I fed breakfast to our little cat and 2 coldwater fish which made me happy as always but then this…
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  • Business Accounts!
    August 19, 2024
    It's 8:56am, I'm at work, which means in the next couple of minutes I'll be spending 3+ hours doing the monthly business accounts, tons of receipts and computer/paperwork as I do each and every month on the 19th, in between serving customers, even when it lands on a Sunday! All donations of a 1Lt...
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  • Lovely Cider!
    August 9, 2024
    Last night about 10:30 I was suffering badly with menopausal crap again desperate for a nice drink and sat on the edge of the bed drinking a can of Strawberry and Lime Kopparberg cider! It was soooo beautiful and tasty and was great as it slid down my throat!
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  • More Trouble From Miss Stroppy !
    August 8, 2024
    Our little town only has 3,048 residents, it's a lovely little place but tourism is crap! One of the Town Councillor's has recently raised the rent of the pet shop by a whopping £35.00 a month even though she knows the lady is struggling, as  with a lot of small businesses around here. ours inclu...
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  • Only Another 4 Months…
    August 6, 2024
    Until the final week of December before the 25th and we've got an entire week off work! I'm counting down the weeks!
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  • Spooky Dream Last Night.
    August 6, 2024
    In reality I was in bed about 2am, snoring away, our bedroom window was wide open as it had been raining heavily which we loved but it was also very humid  and hot and this horrible nightmare invaded me! We live in an attic flat 4 floors up, including the ground floor, there is a…
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  • The Savernake Forest Incident
    August 6, 2024
    It's on YouTube.   One of the creepiest true life stories I’ve ever known about!
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  • Happy Birthday!
    August 5, 2024
    To my gorgeous hubby who is 63 today! Love you loads as always! X
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