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I’m Still Alive

January 16, 2009
Hello all! It has been a long time, hasn't it? I have found myself spending more time on Facebook these days. . .I know, I know, how incredibly cliche for the 30 something year old lady to be hanging out with the kids on that site! Well, I have just enjoyed the immediate response from…
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Recent Entries

  • More Random Stuff
    November 19, 2008
    I can’t see to put my thoughts together for a decent, cohesive entry so I will just throw down some random thoughts for now: They are calling for a winter storm warning in my neck of the woods today. 1-3 inches of snow today, 4-6 tonight and another 1-2 tomorrow. Whatever – my ass. I…
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  • Quick Update
    November 17, 2008
    Sorry, I don’t have the time to be more creative with a title. We had our first snow of the season this year – it started yesterday with light, little flakes slowly drifting down – it really was gorgeous. Fast forward 24 hours to this morning when I was stuck in traffic on icy roads,…
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  • Bucket List . . .or Travel List?
    November 14, 2008
    Many people have posted a bucket list this week because of the NoJoMo entry and as I think about what would be some of the items on mine, it reads more like a travel guide than anything sentimental: 1) Visit Italy and do some of the most tourist things imaginable - pizza in Naples, ride…
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  • Ok, OK – I’m On Facebook!
    November 14, 2008
    If any of the rest of you are, just let me know how to find you and I will add you as a friend. I can't believe how many people from high school have found me already . . .and it has only been a few hours!!!
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  • Feeling Better
    November 9, 2008
    Well, I made it into work today and seem to be on the mend. I talked to my mother last night and she gave me a thorough lashing for eating and drinking crappy the past week. OK – if I really stopped and thought about it, this is probably, mostly my fault. “Have you been…
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  • Sick – again
    November 8, 2008
    I can't believe this but I woke up this morning around 5:45am with the same symptoms I had way back in July when I was sick for a month. I am so disappointed - I wish I had any clue why this was happening to me. This time was worst than last time - it…
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  • A Week in Words – Day Three & Four
    November 3, 2008
    Tuesday - We had watched the weekly weather forecast ahead of time and knew that Tuesday and Wednesday would be the coldest days of the week - definitely not beach weather. So, after our morning routine, Brian and I went our separate ways – he decided to hang around the villa and listen to his&he...
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  • A Week in Words (and pictures) – Day Two
    November 2, 2008
    Monday - We quickly fell into a morning vacation routine for the week – wake up around 9am, breakfast, the Bradenton Herald, some political discussions with my parents, very lazy and lengthy preparation for the day, maybe some lunch around noon and/or heading out for the day’s adventures. Monday ...
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  • A Week in Words (and pictures) – Day One
    November 1, 2008
    Saturday - we arrived INSANELY late to my parents. By the time our trip was all said and done, our flight was about an hour late getting into the St. Pete airport, we ate a sandwich at a divey Irish pub and watched the ND/Washington game and then had an hour drive to my parents…
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