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It is time

August 8, 2024
My love has quietly waited as my true self has struggled to break the surface. He has endured so much just to have a smile, a laugh, a kiss, sexy time, any and all of it really. He is so fucking in love it is sometimes overwhelming and frightening. But what a humbling thing to…
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Recent Entries

  • Asset 6
    In bloom
    June 21, 2024
    There he goes, down the lawn on his John Deere tractor.  Gleefully soaking up the sunshine and belting out ballads as he manicures the lawn. He is equal parts ridiculous and sublime. He is mine. I saunter down the yard sometimes to hand him an ice cold drink and just to see him smile. I…
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  • Dirt Road Divinity
    March 27, 2024
    We drive. Windows down. Wind bequeathing blush to smiling cheeks. Sun shine on his salt and pepper hair. He is stunning in profile. Nature becomes him. He turns down a gravel road and turns the music down. “Will you do anything for me?” he whispers. I see his eyes have turned from green to gray,&...
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  • White Noise
    February 8, 2024
    I adore fucking my husband. I mean love it. He is what I crave and his cock makes my world right again. Recently we had a lovely outing just for us. No children with prying ears. No pets. Just uninterrupted us. To say it was needed would be a gross understatement. He ran a hot…
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  • @Argyletweed- professional napper and sleep talker extraordinaire
    December 26, 2023
    Fast asleep. Dreaming. Where do your thoughts take you love? Your body trembles and twitches. You have full conversations in your dream reality. You seem happy. I sit back,  a bit sad. There is this portion of your life where happiness blooms that is not shared. Silly I know.  But I want to wande...
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  • Samurai Aeon
    December 15, 2023
    Ingot idolatry  White hot, elemental Ardor trothed Patterns in blades   Shrewd, lacerating love Scars forged through inhumane humanity Strength cobbled from depravity and degradation We are a beautiful alloy.  Stronger together than seperate  Corrosion disentangles itself from time’s embrace  Duc...
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  • Memento MORI
    June 26, 2023
    Mori. Mory. Morrie. Moire. More. Morte. Running towards repeat. Time. Endless yet finite. Given yet limited. Lifetimes to run through together. Miracles and moments created in an unceasing  cosmic coil. Memories without a horizon, still confined by humanity. In every lifetime, we bewitch each oth...
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  • Asset 6
    The Sabbath
    June 16, 2023
    I kneel before the altar. Eyes wide with the glory of the baptism in sin that my love will envelop me in soon. Eager to write my confessions on his flesh,  I stand in this candlelit temple that we have created.  My wayward tongue finds his ear. His musky scent incense that inspires my most…
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  • Asset 6
    Feathers or Falsities?
    June 15, 2023
    My sanity. Misplaced, misshapen. Every time I saw it I thought of him. Brighteyes. But it slipped away somehow unnoticed. Am I me? Am I them? Am I recognizable? There are those rare moments when all those things you’ve found is in one person and you’re so scared of that you could scream for the&h...
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  • Asset 6
    June 7, 2023
    It has been a rough road getting here, whereever this is. I have lost some bits of me along the way and picked up some others. I am unrecognizable to myself. Things I loved feel unsafe, unreachable. Dancing, singing, cooking…nearly everything paralyzes me. Renders me devoid. Useless. I refuse to ...
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