Hello World! My name is Kristin. I am a social butterfly with geeky interests.

I am a fun loving person who likes to make friends. I strive to enjoy as much of this life as I can and look forward to what twist & turns it may take.

Since I started on OD, I have grown from a young girl struggling with life/money/love to a young woman who still deals with life, but has gotten to a better place.

Some of my favorite things to do is watch movies, anime, read (books/manga), blog, hang out with friends, Gaming (Board/Console/PC/RPG)... and so much more.

~~~Geek Gurl turned Gamer o.0~~~~

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2023 Beginnings and 2019 Endings

February 5, 2023
Why hello there OD world. I am back. In 2019 I made a single post about "being gone for a year" and once again here we are but now it's almost 4 years since my last post?! The last time I had that long of a break with OD was when it shut down haha. …
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Recent Entries

  • Only 1 year, lets not allow that again
    March 12, 2019
    Here we go again, I was so stoked OD was back & intended on blogging again, but life got SUPER distracting last year and I actually forgot about this, until I got my renewal charge! Nothing like money spent to motivate you to do something again! So I am back and intend to blog more.…
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  • Florida was great!
    March 28, 2018
    Back to reality today. I got back lastnight from a wonderful relaxing trip to Florida. We went to Napels to visit Dan's family there. We were there from Thursday last week until yesterday.  The trip mostly consisted of being out on the boat, trying some local food, enjoying the home cooking of De...
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  • Time flies when your having fun
    March 19, 2018
    This past weekend was one that I would call a great success.  Its not usually the case that I can goto CABS , play games and just have fun without having to "work".  This weekend was not the case. Friday my friend Bobek came into town and since he was there we all played games! …
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  • What are you PROUD of?
    March 14, 2018
    It is hard sometimes to really remember things like this.  Life is a journey of decisions, paths, consequences, rewards, and overall experiences. Weight loss and the journey one goes through for it, is more then just the numbers on the scale. Maybe for some that is really all it is, since for the...
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  • Where did the weekend go?
    March 13, 2018
    This weekend was both fun & relaxing. I enjoy weekends like this, and technically it was an extended on since Dan was sick on Monday so I stayed home with him. Thursday we had our second session of D&D with Paul as the DM.  (this is the one I am a paladin)- It went pretty…
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  • Asset 5
    Repo! The Genetic Rock Opera
    March 8, 2018
    I discovered this treat of a musical movie back in 2009.  Back in Cleveland I was visiting my friend Ron. He is a huge movie buff and said we had to watch this movie.  I was not aware of what I was about to see. Story:  In 2046 the world was on the verge of…
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  • Being accountable to myself
    March 7, 2018
    Back in August of 2017 I began a weight loss journey. Both Dan & I joined weight watchers. From August until December I manage to lost 27lbs.  At the beginning of January of this year, after getting the flu, I manage to get to just about 30lbs lost. All of Jan and most of Feb…
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  • Asset 5
    Rusty needs a sibling?
    March 5, 2018
    April 1, 2017 we adopted Purrkins, now known as Rusty. When we adopted him we were told they believed him to be about 2 years old, but he was so timid and tiny. I believe he was 8-8.5 lbs when we adopted him. He was fostered for a couple days while we prepared our house…
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  • T.I.M.E. Stories
    February 28, 2018
    It has seemed that the past few Monday's Dan & I have had Paul & Adam over for dinner/games.   This past Monday we gathered together to play T.I.M.E Stories:  The Marcy Case -  which we failed at miserably.   T.I.M.E Stories is a game where you are from the future. You & your tea...
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