Three kids.
Separated after 20 years of marriage.
On my own and happy.

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So long

June 23, 2018
Gah, so much has happened. Eric came and went and came again, then voila gone again. Ain’t nobody got time for that. I FINALLY got to hook up with Danny, literally 4 years later.  ‘‘Twas good.  Now to wait another 4 years... lol  hopefully by then I won’t be hitting him up anymore  although it’s&...
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Recent Entries

  • Search
    May 26, 2018
    I’ve had a few specific items on my find it list for yard sales, and I can’t seem to find the one I want most - a metal meat tenderizer. I could buy one new, but I’d really like to find one second-hand. I haven’t done too bad with yard sales this year - I’m…
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  • Synchronicity
    May 16, 2018
    ....and I’m not referring to The Police.   New guy at outpatient, from out of town, involved in refuge recovery in his community, around my age, cane specifically to do outpatient here after a relapse, grew up here/has family here, we’ve hit it off friendly, he’s definitely cute, very much a...
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  • Rockstar
    May 6, 2018
    Hot damn, I’m a rockstar today. I finally put the shelves together and got rid of the old ones, and then cleaned the living hell out of my apartment. All that little shit that’s continuously put off?  Done. *brushes shoulders*. That’s right, you heard it here, I got ALL THE THINGS done. I am now,...
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  • Guess who’s back
    May 6, 2018
    ....back again?  Shady’s back, tell a friend...   I’ve got You Oughta Know stuck in my head this morning. I am unamused.   Reslly tho, I’ve been talking to Eric again. And with that, my sex drive is again through the ROOF. Once again, we’ll see what happens - and live in the moment. (An...
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  • Rattle & hum
    May 4, 2018
    My hummingbirds are back. 😀   Unfortunately, had a panic moment (2 days?) regarding insurance - it’s a long, boring story, let’s just say my appeal is on the governor’s desk to be reinstated with the ONLY insurance all my specialists take. Never mind it leaves me with no specialists or hospi...
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  • And then that happened
    April 27, 2018
    Jeeeebus fucking something. My luck-timing couldn’t be worse. Scotty (one of the guys from high school, we hook up every now and then) hit me up last night and I was asleep. I’ve been up for a random good time lately, so that sucks. What does not suck is this : well shit, I’m obviously…
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  • Brief statement
    April 24, 2018
    Orgasms are really cool.   That is all.
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  • Crazy busy
    April 23, 2018
    Got no excuses for not writing, just got crazy busy and fell out of the habit. I realized the other day I’d never done my dui class so I’m getting that scheduled, have a ton of things to gather together for that. Graduated outpatient, still going 2-3 days a week. Started a new refuge recovery&hel...
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  • Been a bit (pic)
    April 8, 2018
    I either haven’t had time,  or been in the right mood to write lately. Visited the kids in Maryland, and although it’s slways wonderful, it is also usually followed by a depressive funk. Made it to refuge this morning, and during meditation I was reminded of not fighting, but not holding onto, fe...
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