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  • Diaryland (the link should actually work now)
    October 4, 2004
    I am starting a new diary at I will still read peoples diarys and any notes that I get here, but I will predominantly be writing in diaryland from now on.
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  • Lapsing
    September 27, 2004
    >I have a huge headache. >In general, life is good. Nathan and I get along pretty well. I love him more than anything. I guess I've gotten pretty naggy lately... and I don't really want to, but I get so frustrated sometimes. Its not his fault though. I'm just a bit homesick, and I miss…
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  • Friendly Adult Kelia Kimono Work
    June 16, 2004
    I haven't done much since I've been back home. I saw Meta 3 times, Aaron once, and I may see Michelle tomorrow. But in general I have been very bored My mom and I helped Nathan write a letter to the appeals committee at the University of Regina. The letter is a work of art.…
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  • Lonesome
    June 7, 2004
    I am lonely right now. I mean, I guess I have a lot of people I could go see... but i hate relying on my parents to drive me everywhere. I have no license or car of my own. If I could, I would drive to Elk River just to see Mollipops because I miss her…
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  • Dumb Moment to Make You Laugh
    June 2, 2004
    Just so Nathan can't use this as blackmail against me, I decided I may as well tell this story myself.. just so all that facts are right, bleak as they may be. I have a guinea pig named Yuki but he lives with my boyfriend, Nathan in Canada so I don't get to see him…
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  • Farewell For Now :'(
    May 30, 2004
    So I had to say goodbye to Nathan today. Mom and I were going to leave today but we decided to stay another day even though Nathan had to work. After he got out of work, Nathan and I went out to dinner together and sang along to They Might Be Giants in the car. My mom…
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  • Reunited
    May 23, 2004
    Just a quick update- last friday night Nathan flew down from Edmonton to Regina in order to see the city and our future home. He said that he liked the model of the townhouse and that mom and I had made a good descision to snatch it up. We're both pretty excited about it about...
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  • Regina Bound
    May 16, 2004
    So, after a fairly easy 3 day drive (we only drove about 5-6 hours a day) my mom and I are in Regina, Saskatchewan, my future home (at least for the next 3 years). It's fairly large city. Based on what i haveheard about Saskatchewan, I thought it would be a lot smaller. But Regina…
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  • Bittersweet Freedom
    May 13, 2004
    I have a gigantic headache. I don't really know why. maybe because I was up until 4am working on my final project for Sociology of Gender and i woke up at 11. It really does feel good to have everything over with. My project was a success, I believe. but.. all day, I was in a…
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