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January 27, 2014
 I can't believe this is goodbye.  I've grown up on this site.   I wanted to tell you before I left that I'm 9 weeks pregnant.  Don't tell Facebook yet, but I've been looking forward to writing this news on this diary that has meant so much to me over the past 12 years or…
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Recent Entries

  • maison.
    April 9, 2013
    Oh hey. So plans changed again.  And we are the proud almost owners of a not yet existent townhouse in the far West end.  Home sweet home, ladies and gents.  My sweet sweet Kanata. I can't even tell you how happy I am about it.  We've got our plan all done and thanks to a…
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  • update.
    February 3, 2013
    All's well. I convinced Keith to come to the bank so we could get some general financial advice.  God bless him, he gets worked up and excited about things and it already 3 years ahead of himself in his mind.  The bank lady calmed me by saying out loud the things I'd been feeling w...
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  • motivate.
    January 21, 2013
    So I'm a couple of weeks in to my new habits and changing my life for the better.  I've been feeling strong and motivated and this morning I think I figured out where the inspiration comes from. In any case, I've lost 4 pounds since the holidays and am 1 pound away from my January…
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  • newness.
    December 16, 2012
    Here we are: the end of another year, the beginning of a new one around the corner. 2012 has been nothing short of incredibly wonderful. I had a minor career setback, worries about how to pay for things, what that could mean for me longterm.  But it was resolved within 60 days and I&nbs...
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  • bubaloo.
    November 12, 2012
    Oh my.  Busy times, these days are.  New responsibilities.  I handed over my last construction project yesterday.  FEELS SO GOOD.  On to my actual job description we go! I've been cutting bubble wrap for hours.  Someone has to do it! My best friend had her ...
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  • Oof.
    November 1, 2012
    Rather exciting day here in the office. This morning they sacked Debborah, who was by far the most reviled employee in this place.  Honestly, you can feel the joy and mirth lingering in the air around here.  This can only mean good things. However, this also means my to do list is about...
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  • nonsense.
    October 16, 2012
    I think I've just realized that the new Mumford & Sons album will likely get me through the next few weeks or months of junk I don't want to do.  God I love this album. In other news, people who take work too seriously are extremely annoying.  People who gossip to me about everyone ...
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  • cuddles.
    October 14, 2012
    The sun is finally up outside.  I've been at work for an hour.  I love my home but really, I could do without the shorter days.  OR what if we all worked shorter amounts cause the days are shorter?  But not longer in the summer.  I guess I can't have it all.  But wha...
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  • blossom.
    September 30, 2012
    Little bit of Monday inspiration for you. I know I needed it. I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until…
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