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Life so far

April 19, 2012
I got a job at a hospice agency in Madison. I love my team and the people I work with. I finally feel as though I truly fit somewhere, which I haven't felt in so long. It has been a whirlwind of a year so far. Julia is now 3 and he temper tantrums only…
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Recent Entries

  • It Is
    January 28, 2011
    So...I have finally decided to write in here again...after a very long break. My daughter, Julia is now 2 years old! She talks...walks and throws temper-tantrums...and boy can she manipulate me already!! Just the other day she hit me in the face (playfully mind you) and because she knew I was goi...
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  • It’s Been a Long Time
    June 16, 2009
     It's been a long time, and a lot has happened since the last time that I wrote. I'm off of school for the summer and taking care of Julia. I have to say taking care of a 6 month old is actually more difficult than work or school. It's been fun though, seeing her everyday…
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  • First Week of Class
    January 28, 2009
    So, I started my first week of classes and field work.The work-load is going to be hard to say the least. I was really excited about my field work but my "field instructor" hasn't really let me do much of anything yet. My field location is at a multi-generational center-they accept chil...
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  • Julia Rae
    January 7, 2009
    I finally had my little baby girl which is why I haven't been able to update in so long. Julia was born on December 9nth she was 7 pounds 14 ounces and 21 inches long. I wish I could put some pictures up on here, but alas I have no idea how to do that.…
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  • Whirlwind
    December 3, 2008
    It's been a whirlwind these last few days. I had an appointment with my OB in the beginning of the week and she was concerned about my high blood pressure. She explained that if I had protein in my urine I might have what is called "preeclampsia" this condition is highly dangerous for m...
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  • Drama
    November 18, 2008
    So, I wrote out this whole long blog about my sister Nicole and fricken OD timed out on me and I lost all my data. So not typing that all out again...grrrr so frustrating!!!!!!!! But here's the skinny: Basically there's a lot of drama with my family. My mom called me the other day to…
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  • My Mom
    November 12, 2008
    So, I just got done with hell week at school today. I had two paprs due and a 10 minute presentation that I had to give. I'm so glad that this week is over!! It seems like my work is never done. In other news my doctor said that I could have the baby at…
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  • Baby Stuff
    October 29, 2008
    So I might have a lead on a good pediatrician. This is exciting news! I feel like I'm doing all the work myself, it's my job to find a pediatrician, to pre-register at the hospital, to schedule birthing and newborn classes, to find a good daycare. Ugh it's so stressful!! The list just never ends!...
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  • Mommy-to-Be
    October 22, 2008
    Ryan and I have our last baby class today. It's actually on newborns so it should be really informative. I find myself actually getting excited about the baby (only took me seven months). Ryan has been wonderful through all of it though and I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be the daddy ...
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