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October 23, 2013
So, due to OpenDiary's slowness, error messages, double posting on its own, and other issues, I've decided to get on the bandwagon that many other OD users have started, and join Prosebox - a service that's similar to Opendiary, but without the various problems. It's currently in beta development...
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Recent Entries

  • Are You Really So Holy?
    October 19, 2013
    A spinning void of chaos That’s what your mind is. This door led me to this place And there’s naught but darkness. The eons flash by like grains of sand in an hourglass Gods die, Universes burn, and knowledge is forgotten But what of you? Is it truly righteousness that guides you? A f...
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  • Being Human
    October 7, 2013
    Sometimes I wonder - Is a diamond always so flawless? Is it not pressed and forged from an impure state? A hard, chalky coal - and a brand new slate. What seemed so perfect faced ruination at the hands of the greatest forge of them all - - Being human. But perhaps, maybe that's the…
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  • I want to be faithful, but I know that I’m not
    October 7, 2013
    There isn't a day that goes by that I don't remember those times. When the walls stood strong, and the music played joyfully. But all I know now, is silence and ruin. Sometimes I wonder - was it all real? A dream world, surely. A simple echo of reality. How could one so flawed know such...
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  • The Void
    September 4, 2013
    Occasionally, something can go wrong. Sometimes in your travels, you will slip out of what is, and enter the place of what should not be. Sometimes, you will enter The Void, and from there on out, you will not return.. One day, dear reader, my companion and I had the unfortunate displeasure of st...
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  • Back down on my knees..
    August 23, 2013
    How far do I have left to fall? What's left for me to lose? Obscurity beckons.. A diary that's never been opened, A box that's never been found, A promise that's never been carried out, Goals never achieved, and Covenants broken. Existence seems to be repelled, and all of it's sweet fruit denied....
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  • I’ve been the king, I’ve been the clown..
    August 19, 2013
    It's been a while since I've written an entry. Guess I should update my few followers on how things are going. And hello to any random front page passerby's as well - good to have ya. Things are going up and down. School starts on Wednesday, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.…
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  • Drowning in Hellfire
    July 10, 2013
    It doesn't take long for it to come back, This stinging pain within me. Yet again the world becomes dimmer, and darker, Reminding me that the path longer, tougher, harder than I ever imagined. It brings my hope down and my anxiety up. I learn what to do but my body freezes up in paralysis,…
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  • And Someday… Pt. II
    July 4, 2013
    Someday, Perhaps we'll see what we've become. A race of overzealous, antagonistic, self-righteous things That the rest of the universe shuns. They pretend like we're not here Lock us away in the closet somewhere And tell us not to fear. Someday, Maybe we'll look up from what we've created. Throw ...
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  • Judgement /// Faith Be still
    June 17, 2013
    Decided to write two poems today. --- My heart shall be drained Emptied Revealed Judged. As I soak in a pool of despair And sink further down into the darkness and it crumbles into Oblivion. And scatters into nothingness. I will lose everything And maybe then I will feel what it was like for you&...
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