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Ahh time

February 13, 2018
It's hard to get back into the habit of writing every day. I know I miss it. But I have to re-establish the habit.   Work is good. Today, I created an estimate and proposal for over $100,000. I'm not sure if it's correct, but it's close. I'm really learning how to do this job.…
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Recent Entries

  • Work is work is work.
    February 6, 2018
    For posterity: I am a "Project Coordinator/Estimator" with absolutely no experience other than what I've been learning the last couple of months. My current boss says I have "skills" and the owner of the company tells me constantly how lucky they are that they found me. I get a $300 monthly bonus...
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  • Honey, I’m HOME!
    February 5, 2018
    Man have I missed this place! I miss being able to write what I'm truly feeling without having to worry about what somebody I know in real life will think. We all wear that mask. I'm a pretty honest person, but there are times I wish I could tell somebody off or tell them the…
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  • A letter to Kenny’s teacher
    January 12, 2014
    Mrs. M,    I'm just sending you an email to update you on Kenny. Obviously for the past 3  weeks Nathan and I got to spend a lot of extra time with our boys. And we both  noticed a drastic sad change in our Kenny.     We've been watching him for some time, but…
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  • When your first love gets engaged…
    December 29, 2013 somebody else Well, it finally happened. He found somebody else. The boy whose heart I broke into a million pieces and who in turn broke mine into a million more found a worthy woman. Just before Christmas they became engaged. I truly couldn't be happier for him. He was my first real love. ...
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  • Sadness
    August 12, 2013
    I am sad today. 1. My vacation is over and I'm back at work. 2. I had to put my 12 year old cocker spaniel to sleep yesterday. Pepper was my first baby. 3. A good friend of mine from work passed away on Sunday.
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  • A milestone for Kenny
    July 24, 2013
    Last night while I was helping to dry his hair, Kenny asked me, "Mom, why do we have to shower so much?" We'd already had this discussion SEVERAL times. You need to be clean to stay healthy, Nobody really likes a stinky person, it feels good to be clean, etc. So I changed...
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  • weird
    July 18, 2013
    It looks like my handwriting on the post-it note pad. But I don't remember writing it. There's just one word. "Smile" Why would I write that? I don't think I did. I'm going to keep it.
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  • Breakfast Adventures
    July 16, 2013
    This morning: Hardee's Speaker Box: Goodmorning, would you like to try our _________ (garbled) this morning? Me: No thanks. Can I get two jelly biscuits please? Hardee's Speaker Box: Did you want jelly with that? Me: Yes... H.S.B.: Grape or strawberry? Me: Grape. H.S.B.: How many? Me: Um, two? H....
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  • Stuff
    July 15, 2013
    1. I am slightly annoyed that my friend DC left without saying goodbye. It's cool though. I know he wanted to get home. I can totally relate to that and my drive is only 20 minutes. His drive is like 8 hours.   2. I might become a cold weather convert. I'm pretty sure heat…
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