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Recess nearing an end

March 1, 2009
Dear Diary....forgive me for neglecting your pages. I continue to primarily focus on our website at and struggle to find time to post updates here. Obviously, much has happened since November. The doctors were not able to determine exactly what the nodule in her right...
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Recent Entries

  • Waiting
    November 20, 2008
    Dear diary.  Its been a while.  I continue to focus on my blog at Kelly's caring bridge website.  Its now the 3rd week of November and Thanksgiving is upon us.  We have so much to be thankful for.  I don't know how much longer it will last, but Kelly's chemo "recess&...
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  • Brutally factual political season thoughts
    September 4, 2008
    Dear Diary.  As you recall, when I laid the ground rules for keeping you....I told you that we would only deal with one thing here: the truth.  Honesty was described as the foundation on which you would be built and that we might ruffle a few feathers.  Too bad.  No one has to...
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  • Labor Day
    August 31, 2008
    Dear diary.  It's Labor Day 2008.....the unofficial "end of summer".  We have been enjoying a nice summer indeed, what with no trips to the hospital every 3 weeks.  We could get used to this! We are busy, which is good.  Kelly is working part time as an instructor (s...
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  • Kelly’s birthday
    July 25, 2008
    Tomorrow is Kelly's 48th birthday.  This will be the 3rd birthday of her's that we've celebrated since her diagnosis.  We're now 25 months out and she's doing well enough to stay off chemo for now.  To think that her life expectancy at diagnosis was something like 18 months.....she...
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  • New phase of this journey
    July 1, 2008
    Dear diary.  I have really been delinquent in writing a new entry.  Sorry about that.  I focus most of my cyber energy on my wife's site: Since my last entry, Dr. J prescribed the white blood cell booster Neulasta following each chemo t...
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  • Chemo delayed
    March 28, 2008
    Dear diary.  Have we reached another turning point in the battle?  Are we worrying for no good reason?  Should we be soundly sleeping at night instead of the 3am tossing and turning?  Obviously only time will tell...but I feel as if ominous storm clouds are gathering on the di...
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  • 2 days later, the unimaginable
    March 28, 2008
    Dear Diary.  Incredibly, tragically, two days after a new family member entered this world, another unexpectedly departed.  My 46-year old cousin Jim was found dead on his couch with the lights and television on.  What a cruel twist of fate...especially for my aunt, Jim's mother.&n...
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  • First Grandchild
    March 11, 2008
    Dear diary: Yesterday was one of those "once in a lifetime" events that will forever be seared into my memory.  Yesterday, I became a grandfather.  Yesterday, my only daughter gave birth to her first child.  Yesterday, a baby girl was born.  Yesterday, my w...
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  • Spring approacheth!
    February 16, 2008
    Dear Diary.  I'm been away for a while again.  Part of that is this crazy slow dial-up access I have to suffer with.  I just can't force myself to go the satellite route due to the cost.  The other part is I do most of my blogging on the website I set up to keep…
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