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August 19, 2013
I think one of the biggest lessons that yoga is teaching me is patience.  I still don’t have the hang of it but at least I’m consciously thinking about it.  It is not in my nature to be patient.  I want to do XYZ now, and I will be one of the best at it,…
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Recent Entries

  • The Yoga Challenge
    August 4, 2013
    Holy Shit it's been a million years since I've been here. I have set a goal (challenge) for myself - going to hot yoga 5 times a week.  Not Bikram, mind you - I refuse to do that commercial torture anymore.  Simply hot yoga.  1 hour in a 98 (or 90) degree room, ending in ...
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  • Grande Non-fat Latte Please
    May 20, 2012
    I have to say that for a Monday, today wasn’t too bad.  Of course, work is completely overwhelming as usual, but I managed to get a few things done.  Perhaps it helped that I’ve been working from home tonight as well, but ah well, what can ya do. On a side note, I’ve b...
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  • Rollacoasta
    May 19, 2012
    I’m around.  Just reading but haven’t had the gumption to write.  Work has been insane and is utterly exhausting, to be honest.  There is just too much work to be done and not enough hours in the day or people to do the work.  That being said, we recently made a ne...
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    March 13, 2012
    It has been a looooong two weeks.  Last Monday afternoon I flew to Houston.  Had a go-live with a customer on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Flew to San Antonio Wednesday night and helped conduct a training on Thursday and Friday.  Drove back to Austin Friday night. Saturday was wond...
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  • Good Weekend
    February 18, 2012
    I’ve had a pretty wonderful weekend.  Friday night Trav and I were planning on working out.  I didn’t feel like it.  So he took me out to dinner instead.  His unemployment finally came through and I’ve been footing the bill for quite a bit so he wanted to tre...
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  • Emotional Denial
    February 11, 2012
    Ever since I was little, Sundays always put me in sort of a weird mood.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe the impending new week.  As I go through therapy and look into my past, I think Sunday to me, symbolizes the end of being care free with no responsibilities and the start of ...
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  • In a funk.
    February 1, 2012
    <--- Dress Pic That-a-way It’s been sort of a rough week.  Trav and I have both just been “off” I guess.  He’s still looking for a job, and is getting some calls back and interviews, but no dice yet.  I’m sure he’ll get a job soon, and he was ...
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  • Hittin it hard
    January 3, 2012
     That's the plan anyway. I signed back up at the gym and went last night.  Did the Jillian Michaels 45min treadmill routine and actually made it all the way through so I'm pretty happy with myself.  I haven't worked out in forever so I'm just glad I didn't fall out lol.  Then ...
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  • Happy New Year
    January 1, 2012
     Just got back home from San Antonio with Travis and I'm so glad we went down there for new year's eve - it was a blast.  We went down to SA around 4 yesterday and decided that we wanted to go to the Ripley's museum before we went out.  We were in a prime spot…
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