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Oh, silly cellular devices…

August 15, 2010
  My voicemail-to-text service transcribed the following: "Oh yes, again it's no, but she wants us Weiss the lost executive fish production Noreen luck. Oh that's all of them! It was induced office. It's not even supposed to love, it's not lupus verifying that unless Christmas list, lik...
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Recent Entries

  • Madness takes it’s toll
    July 31, 2010
    Things are just so f*cking crazy sometimes. Some things in my life are so perfect, and others have just gone to shit, and I'm just kind of sitting here in the middle... being lifted up and brought down at the same time. My relationship with Ash is stronger than ever. There was a period of…
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  • In-Lawful Tension
    July 3, 2010
    So there has been a bit of tension between myself and Ash's stepfather. The main reason is money - I can't find a job, and in an economy where men and women who have 20+ years experience and outstanding resumes are in line at the Food Stamp office, it's no wonder. I am getting unemployment…
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  • Advice
    June 8, 2010
    I'm not sure if anyone will read this... I am writing it in hopes that someone does read it, understand it, and reply to it, though. You see, I am engaged. I love my fiance more than life itself. She is my everything... my princess, my baby girl. We are so incredibly close to one…
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  • What I Want
    November 29, 2009
    I want to hug you until my arms hurt Kiss you until my lips are sore Look at you until my eyes water And then I'll want to do it some more I want to walk a million miles with you Meet a million new faces Eat a million meals with you And see a million places I want to…
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  • Happy Birthday
    April 5, 2009
    When I played my trumpet for the first time, I looked up and saw you smiling. When I played my first football game, I looked up and saw you cheering. When I was in my first play, I looked up and saw you taking pictures. When I got my first A, I looked up and…
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  • The
    March 30, 2009
    The numbness behind my eyes The desire to just sit and stare The urgency to do nothing The silent screams for attention The guilt swelling up in my throat The hopelessness tearing apart my stomach The things I will never say The longing for a happier time The questions running through my mind The...
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  • 2012
    March 26, 2009
    I woke this morning ... The sun blood red against the fading curtain, of another lonely night.   Another empty day to haunt me, to torment me with the ghosts of my long lost world.   My sleepy eyes still red from my long night of weeping. Who can afford a luxury like sleeping.  &he...
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  • Blank Page
    March 18, 2009
      Naked paper I cover you with my  Shorthand and frantic scribblings Eager to clothe you with my inkblots and Cluttered thoughts But as I review your new apparel  I start to wonder if you looked Better bare
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  • Going Through the Emotions
    March 12, 2009
    Sometimes I feel happy these times are amazing Warmth fills my body and my smile just can't fade I can joke around all day and quote movies all night I can make my friends forget their problems and just laugh. Sometimes I feel whimsical these times are fun Random thoughts run through my brain and...
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