loves music loves to dance

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It’s Time

September 26, 2020
As much as it hurts. As much as I maybe don’t want it to be. As much as this may be a false alarm, it’s time. I haven’t really, truly been mad at her before. Hurt, yes. Frustrated, yes. Angry - no. I am now. I am angry at how she can just let it…
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Recent Entries

  • I Want to Tell You Everything
    August 31, 2020
    I fight the compulsion to tell you every minute detail of my life. Seriously. I don't think I can remember a time or a relationship where I wanted to share everything. When I was single, I wanted someone to share experiences with, but with you, I want to tell you all of my thoughts and…
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  • Every Time
    August 31, 2020
    Every time I pledge to shut it down; every time I say "this is it" I see something or think of something and "reach out" before I remember my new resolve and I have to start over again. I have conversations with you in my head. This is different because the way I answer is…
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  • It Hurts
    July 5, 2020
    In the end, you will be here for two weeks and I will not see you. It hurts.
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  • Everything, everything, everything, everything
    June 19, 2020
    I don't know where to start. I am so hurt. I am so sad. I feel as though I've been dumped. I don't know how to behave. I don't know how to be myself. I don't know how to be myself with you because being myself with you didn't work. I am worried if I…
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  • Tuesday, 2.25.2020 8:54 p.m. MST
    February 25, 2020
    Plain. That's what I've got today. I left my dad at the rehab center tonight. I'm ashamed to say I left because it was hard. It was sad and boring, Although, I think my dad was only out of bed because I was there. He was falling asleep in his chair, I think. My dad…
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  • Time to Forget
    February 16, 2020
    I wish I could forget you. Forget you in the moment. My life is better now, but I am riding the edge of insanity with all this thinking of you. Seriously. It's been almost a year and a half of almost constant thinking of you. It is soooo annoying. I wish I could say that…
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  • That’s Not What It’s Supposed to Look Like
    February 8, 2020
    I am remembering something, just now. When I was doing personal growth seminars, one of the moderators used to say, "Sometimes support doesn't look the way you want it to look." Maybe that's B. Maybe her support doesn't look like I want it to. It's still support all the same.
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  • And Away She Goes…
    February 8, 2020
    She's gone. I have so many emotions. Mostly I am sad. I feel like this is the end of something. I feel like from now on a piece of me will be missing. Truth be told, I always feel that way, right? That's my personality, right? My wife thinks I'm having an emotional affair. When…
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  • Today
    December 22, 2019
    Today I am here. Existing. Tired and hungry and sad. Always sad. It’s the weekend before Christmas. Family is in town. Some staying with us. I love them and I don’t want people in my house. I have never really liked it and this is not the weekend for it. It feels like my lows…
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