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“years of love have been forgot…

June 3, 2010 the hatred of a minute" Ten years ago today, I had something taken from me. Ten years ago today, I was changed. Ten years ago, I woke up whole and went to sleep crying. I woke up trusting and went to sleep a cynic. I woke up safe and went to sleep believing I'd…
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Recent Entries

  • Something to say.
    May 5, 2010
    I miss having something to say. My brain races ahead of me and I struggle to catch up. Words come out--one here, one there. They're linked, somehow. Coherent thoughts get mixed together, tossed, jumbled, poured out. I used to be able to concentrate. I used to be able to create. I used to paint pi...
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  • Insufficient Tears.
    January 7, 2009
    For an hour I've sat here, trying to cry. My eyes fill up with hot, salty tears, but then I blink and they're gone. If just one single drop would find the will to build up and spill over, I might feel almost human again. It's been two years since I've cried, and I fear…
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  • Blogathon 2006 – Ask Jade.
    July 14, 2006
    Jade is neither a licensed therapist nor a professional advice columnist, but she is a nosy bitch with an opinion on everything. So come on, indulge her, won't you? During the 2006 Blogathon, Jade will be availble to answer your every question, especially those that relate to love, dating, or sex...
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  • Judgment Day.
    July 12, 2006
    I'll be participating in the 2006 Blogathon, and like last year, I'll be mirroring my entries here to OD. Once again, I will be blogging for Planned Parenthood. Women's rights are in danger, and their work is now more important than ever. You can sponsor me by making a pledge at the Blogathon's w...
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  • Tales From My Aquarium.
    June 2, 2006
    Another Saturday night, another date with another guy I'll probably never see again. I've had a profile at OKCupid for a long time. I've met a lot of people from there over the past few years and the experiences have been overwhelmingly positive. I obviously didn't fall in love with anyone, but t...
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  • Semi-Annual Update.
    April 29, 2006
    There's a giant fly in my apartment. It's been there all day - my apartment is right near the door that leads to the dumpster, and I always get flies when the weather warms up enough that the trash stops freezing. It's gross, but what can I do about it? This particular fly is absolutely…
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  • Sulk and Pepper.
    February 12, 2006
    In 2004, I wrote a great entry about the Summer Olympics and it was lost in the Great Hack-Job of 2004. So to recap, I love the Olympics. I have the television on every minute I'm home and when I'm at work I'm on the internet checking results. I find myself fascinated by sports that…
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  • An Entry About Hair. With Pics!
    February 5, 2006
    I think I've developed a new food allergy, and I can't figure out exactly what it is. I've always had a slight sensitivity to melon and bananas because of some funky thing where the enzymes in those fruits are similar to the enzymes in ragweed, to which I have terrible seasonal allergies. If I ea...
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  • Luke Just Came by to Defrag My Hard Drive
    January 25, 2006
    Yes, the title of this entry comes from a first season episode of "The O.C." I won't tell if you won't! But if you get the significance of it . . . I'll be your best friend. *G*I'm not one who dabbles much in the "casual dating" circles. I rarely go out on dates with…
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