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22, Tomorrow is our recognition day

July 21, 2024
Hi, long time no entry. I just woke up past 5am today, and earlier, when I was still awake, I was just crying and begging for God to let me sleep. I told him that I couldn't sleep for 3 days, that my body was shutting down, and that my mind wasn't at peace. It…
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Recent Entries

  • 22, The only graduation gift I want is a job
    July 15, 2024
    I got burned out from staying too long on LinkedIn. I am so tired. The employment rate here in The Philippines was low because of their unrealistic standards. How can these recruiters post something like 3-5 years of experience, yet the available companies accepting fresh graduates have hundreds ...
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  • 22, Now I understand adults
    July 8, 2024
    Way back when I used to be a kid, I didn't understand adults who were always mad, bitter, angry, and had this bitterness on their faces. In this cartoon called Spongebob squarepants, I always askĀ  my sister about Squidward because I was annoyed by his character, and now I get it. Also, I realized...
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  • 22, Baby steps
    July 6, 2024
    I haven't been able to sleep for 8 hours these past few months, I've been so hard on myself, just focusing on the thing that were clearly out of my control. As much as possible, I avoid dwelling on the past but it seems like I have this relapse and I am all over the…
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  • 22, and I’m still unemployed
    July 2, 2024
    I wish to be better, I wish to have a job, even though my graduation is on August 2. :( I'm just a girl, and I just want to do something valuable.
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  • 22, Poem I wote
    July 1, 2024
    29 Aug 2022   ā€œDisentanglementā€   She was once loved by the demons, and so she had loved her back Scared to the unprecedented, she engraves her naive thoughts into feeding her insatiable monsters Echoing the delusionality of the future, she has tainted She has this heavy baggage she has...
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  • 22, struggling to find a job
    June 29, 2024
    Hi, it's 4:26 am now and I just had a severe burnout for a week because of finding work. Life is getting serious and I am scared to be stagnant at life, I am scared of not doing anything, and I am also somehow getting sad of thinking that I have no time for love.…
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  • 22, Catching up with a dear friend
    June 25, 2024
    It's 1:41 am and it did not rain today. I am grateful for today because I get to hang out with my best friend. Life's been no good these past few weeks. I've been so hard on myself too because I ditched some of my interviews but I attended few of it. My friend tends…
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  • Asset 5
    22, Lesbian
    June 24, 2024
    When I was younger, I thought that there's something wrong with me because I like girls, or was it just the environment I grew up in? Sometimes, I still like men physically, but I can't see myself having an emotional connection with them. I never had any serious relationships, and I am closeted. ...
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  • 22, clueless in life
    June 24, 2024
    Good morning. It's already 2:04 a.m., and I just finished processing my feelings earlier. My life has changed a lot since I became an intern. I still have my what-if's in my mind and what could have been, but I believe that soft life exists somewhere, just not today. This is the story of how…
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