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Hello my friend.

April 28, 2011
Wow! It's been forever since I've been here.  Nothing has really changed but then everything has changed.  The kids have grown and are still great kids. I work at the same place I've been since moving here to the great state of Connecticut. The hubby is not working again. He's worked ma...
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Recent Entries

  • My Matt
    May 11, 2009
    Hi there, It's been a fairly decent day. It's one of those days where I realize all the wonderful people I have in my life and how I need to quit bitching so much.  I'm sure tomorrow I'll be back to my usualy self Matt had to take his physical today. Everything is fine like I…
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  • I’m such a screw up
    April 18, 2009
    That about sums it up.  I'm always making bad decisions. It messes up life for me and everyone else.  That's about it for that.   AJ and I are getting into it a lot lately. He's even talking about how he can't wait to turn 18 so he can leave. I told him he has to…
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  • Hey there once more!
    March 21, 2009
    Sorry I don't write any more or have time to check what all of you guys are up to. I miss that a lot.  I get online at the library once in awhile and by the time I finish doing other stuff I only have a couple of minutes to get here. Things are going…
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  • I like this look!
    March 12, 2009
    Wow, I haven't been on here in forever!!!  Just a quick note though.  My time is almost up.   AJ turned 16 a couple of days ago. Matt is serious about school and college and stuff. Might even have a girlfriend. Erin is starting puberty early I believe. Not fun. The husband STILL&nb...
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  • Happy Birthday!
    July 3, 2008
    Today is Matt's birthday.  He's 13!!  I've been telling him all week that I couldn't afford to get him the present he wanted. It was fun at first, but then I felt guilty.  Not guilty about messing with him, but guilty for not being able to get it. WTF??? lol I'm so freaking weird.&...
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  • I shouldn’t have left work.
    June 24, 2008
    Came home and the husband's car was in the driveway.  I knew it wasn't good.  Either he was without a job again or the car broke.  He's out of a job again .  A week and a half of work.  Car payments now.  And all he can do is lay around right now being depressed...
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  • Thought I’d write a bit.
    June 15, 2008
    Just a bit lol Things are the same. Nothing ever really changes. Work is work. Home is home. Oh I lied  Something did change. The hubby lost his job a few weeks ago. He started a new job today. I hope it last, especially since we had to get a second car that we have…
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  • 5/8/08
    May 7, 2008
    The friend's wife had their baby Tuesday.  I'm wondering how he's feeling right now.  Had a great weekend this past weekend.  Went to a party on Saturday night.  Did an Easter Seals walk on Sunday (which was amazing) then Monday was my birthday and my sister took me to NYC.&nb...
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  • Good afternoon.
    April 19, 2008
    I quick little update. Not sure what I wrote the last time.  Well work sucks ( as always).  Someone quite so it's been stressful on me. I was suppose to be on vacation this past week but had to give it up cuz no one else to take my place.  Was called stupid more than…
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