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December 26, 2010
 [1.] What did you do in 2010 that you have never done before? Brought the New Year in unemployed, bought a car, tried extacy.  [2.] Did you keep all of last years resolutions? I wanted to lose weight this year and find a job and I succeeded in both even though they aren't exa...
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Recent Entries

  • Flavor of the Month
    September 10, 2010
    So once again it's been way too long and once again everything and nothing has happened.   Bumpy and I were done before we even started. For the first week after his 4th of July party everything was absolutely amazing. Then he grew distant and I invited him over one night after work and he&h...
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  • Sezzin’
    July 9, 2010
     Is there someone in your life you know you'd be better without?:   Derek, I'm sure. Have you ever witnessed abuse in your friend's family?:  Not that I can think of. Do you ditch school a lot?: No, I was studious.  What do you like about your display picture?: ...
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  • One week
    July 9, 2010
     I won't even both apologizing for not being around. I do check this quite frequently and it seems that only a couple of my favs even bother to update anymore. Sarah, Jen, Valyn, and Dustin. I've realized over the past few months that people I thought were really good friends, actually aren'...
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  • Passing along
    January 11, 2010
    Found this in one of my favs... Passing it along as you should as well
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  • Bi-monthly
    December 6, 2009
    So this is my bi-monthly update. I always have to go back and read a couple of my previous entries because I have no idea where I left off.   Not that anything overly exciting has been happening, of course. Well... I dunno.  D and I are not back together. He didn't really chan...
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  • Down
    September 16, 2009
    If you haven't heard of Down and you are/were any kind of Pantera fan, I suggest you check them out. It's a superband with members of Pantera (and Superjoint obviously), Crowbar, Eyehategod, and Corrosion of Conformity. Saw them on the 9th and they were amazing. So since the last time I wrote, I ...
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  • If I can’t see the sun…
    July 30, 2009
    Yes, i'm alive :) I can't believe how long it's been since I've written. I guess this is just going to be a summary entry... I broke up with D well over a month ago. I've been slowly but surely moving things back to my parents house, but as of this moment D and I are…
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  • Weekend 1 6/6-6/7
    June 17, 2009
    I split this up into two entries cause it was just getting too damn long... To continue on from where i left off last time... Memorial day (oh man, three weeks ago). I was going to hang around at the house since I had the day off from work. D also had the day off.…
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  • Weekend 2 6/13-6/14
    June 17, 2009
    This past weekend, I saw Starfish on Friday for a little while. It was her son, Logan's, second birthday party. But it turned into a party for her husband (my friend scott) and his friends so she called to see if i would go spend time with her. *sigh* she never calls unless she needs…
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