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  • supermarkes
    January 13, 2005
    i went shopping last week, and super markets always give me the most profound sence of culture shock. in the states it is that i can understand what everyone is saying, here it is that the olive oil (although priced the same as what i was paying in the US) was under lock and key…
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  • The sower and the mustard tree
    January 10, 2005
    ok, been thinking about the parables of the mustard seed and the sower. the sower sowes the word, the mustard seed with the small 3 year misnistyr of jesus, the mustard tree is the church, but in the tree lives the fowls of the air, the very same devils that aid the wayward seeds in…
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  • a new start
    January 5, 2005
    Well, I am back again, I finally got on a med that stabilized me. Depekote … sounds like an Indian name.   As for my quest I have returned to my native mustard tree of Christianity, (with some side studies on Free Mason and the Philosophy of Religion). Been re-reading the gospels and looking...
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  • come back to adds
    October 24, 2004
    I come back to this after falling off the fase of the planet for over 2 months and there are adds when i return.   i wonder if i am back for a while. we shall see...   with love to all, kit
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  • back to life
    October 24, 2004
    Ok   Free flow rant (just get it out   My life got really crazy this last 2 months,   I fell of the face of the planet.   I dropped out of college, I walked away from my job, I went down to California where my brother was being institutionalized for being bi-polar hyper…
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  • Every parent seeks to teach his or her children th
    June 21, 2004
    Every parent seeks to teach his or her children that they are important. We tell them how precious they are, how wonderful. But why? Why are they so important? If we tell our children they are important because they are good-looking, or smart, or talented, we are setting them up for trouble. Beca...
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  • q and a i liked.
    June 20, 2004
    If God is omnipotent, why does evil exist? If He created us from love, why does he send us to Hell?   you very nearly got it, but seem to be caught at a different stage. you see the notions of good and evil are useful when tring to figure out the best way to…
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  • (FFR) Pain/Growth
    June 16, 2004
    FREE FLOW RANT!    Yes it is that time again, I have been neglecting my synopsis for far to long.   What of failure? What of Ignorance? What of Pain, and happiness, contentment? Duty? Morality? How does your pain help you grow, and the nature of sin.   Is there sin? For really...
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  • Kant anyone?
    June 15, 2004
    1780THE METAPHYSICAL ELEMENTS OF ETHICSby Immanuel Kanttranslated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott     V. Explanation of these two Notions (talking about duty)                  A. OUR OWN PERFECTION  The...
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