well what can i say im a person of many words just dont know how to say them!!!!!!!

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Eye donor…

April 18, 2018
When my dad died, my mom donated his tissue and anything else that was usable. Well a eye transplant recipient received my dad's corneas I believe. He sent my mom a thank you letter and come to find out this recipient lives near my dad's mother and they have the same Doctor. How ironic is…
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Recent Entries

  • Sisters….
    April 8, 2018
    I often wonder what having that "bestie" sister is like.  That relationship where women are close to their sisters.  I have two sister we grew up together for the most part one is 5 years younger than me and the other is 11 years younger I think. NOt that it matters but they are my…
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  • Something has to give…..
    April 7, 2018
    I hate to B*&ch about losing weight, but I am at my wits end. I have seriously tried every "diet" "lifestyle" and "woe" and I end up stuck or I give up. My husband has been doing wonderfully we found a way of eating that works for him and something he has actually agreed to…
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  • Not enough time…
    April 3, 2018
    Yep, that is how I feel today. I know it is only Monday but, dang.... Walked my 8 miles today and I'm exhausted. Got all the food prep and grocery shopping done today. Made dinner for the kids, and did some laundry. I still don't have the dishes from the weekend done, because our sink…
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  • Morning coffee…
    March 29, 2018
    Don't you just love that first sip of coffee in the morning?! I didn't get up as early as I wanted, but I'm awake. Husband was a little...can't find the word because I didn't wake him up and ask him if he wanted to shower with me. YA know some days I just want to…
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  • um…
    March 29, 2018
    I have literally written and erased this entry 3 times, all 3 times something different that is bothering me but as I write it I sound stupid and ridiculous. This writing again may take some getting used to. Also doesn't help that my mind is jumping around again, and nothing makes sense and every...
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  • what can be seen?
    March 26, 2018
    Lets talk eye contact. I am a shy person and eye contact with random people just doesn't happen for me. Being noticed or put in the center of attention, gives me anxiety. I've learned to make eye contact with people when needed but I wont go out of my way to make unnecessary eye contact.…
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  • Holy WOW.
    March 24, 2018
    Never thought I would see the day when OD was up and running again! So happy about it though. Looking back at all my old entries and my life is SO MUCH different now. What has it been 5 years now? Where to start?! Well I guess I'll start when life changed. 3 years ago…
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  • Worrying is what i do best……..
    July 26, 2013
    The bills are stacking up even more than before, and my husband tells me not to worry! UMm, yeah sorry dude, but that is all I do. I try so hard not to let it bother me but come on! My husbands overtime was cut right now because work is slow, that is not a good…
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  • tired of trying….
    July 11, 2013
    I have no idea why I let me bio-dad and his family into my life, nothing but a frickin headache for me. I do not even know why i go through the trouble of excepting at least my brother as family. I have two half brothers that are in their 20's and only seem to give…
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