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Looking forward

May 7, 2020
I have less than a month to decide to move in with my bf or not. On one hand, wow.  What a perfect situation.  Our shenanigans can continue on a daily basis, plus I won't be paying $950 for an apartment I rarely see anyway. He lives in a way better neighborhood, it would be…
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Recent Entries

  • Ying to Yang
    April 26, 2020
    Things I really like: The smell of freshly sharpened pencils for drawing Cats Halloween Dancing A sense of humor Eating out at restaurants Star Wars/dreaming about sci fi Thunder and rainstorms Winning at video games Horror movies Loud music, from numerous genres Rum, whiskey and absinthe Black c...
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  • Cheers to change?
    April 21, 2020
    My bf asked me to move in with him a few days ago when my apt lease ends (July).  Its very soon but then again, our entire relationship is very sudden and has been moving very quickly. We haven't even known each other for a year yet and believe it or not, I am one…
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  • Painting the canvas.
    April 16, 2020
    I taught 8 classes on my birthday but afterwards my bf had made me dinner of salmon and mashed potatoes and absinthe.  Then we built a fire in the middle of nowhere and just existed.  That was enough to be one of my favorite birthdays I've had in years.  I'm a very chill person. Plus…
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  • Pleasure to make your reacquaintance
    April 14, 2020
    Open Diary! Huh! It's been a few years, welcome back! My whole life used to be on this thing and I was crushed when the platform went away. I figured it would be fitting to type up my first entry today, as it is my birthday.  Hey, I am 32 now.  Who wouldve thought I'd…
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  • Time Travel
    August 21, 2012
     I have an interview Sept 4 for an instructor with 24 Hour Fitness.  Pretty exciting... the concept of getting paid for something I enjoy.  Haha.  I don't have certifications BUT I am in great shape and have something most other applicants don't- SEVEN years of teaching experi...
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  • Procrastination makes it happen
    August 7, 2012
    I'm trying to decipher my stock options. Of course I'm writing on Open Diary. Duh.  :P There's something to be said about my parents making me do everything myself. Good... and damn miserable, lol. Example #1: "Hey, Dad, can you teach me to drive?" One week, later, "Well, driv...
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  • Tug-O-War!!
    June 23, 2012
     Okay.   Everyone wants something different out of me.  My mother wants me to be this thing and do this thing and do that while I'm doing it.  My father wants me to be this thing while doing this thing.  My boyfriend thinks I should do this thing while not saying tha...
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  • 05/22/2012
    May 21, 2012
     "What happened to Kennedy? "He got promoted." "Promoted, huh?  Talk about failing upwards." First order of business, Stargate SG:1 for the win. Well.  Still hanging out here in Lalaland and it's burning me inside out.  I'm done here.   Time to go...
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  • Good news! :D I’m gonna make it!
    September 12, 2011
    This Saturday I begin rehearsals for my Los Angeles dance debut.  And yes, it is paid.  It's not a TON of money and took FOUR auditions to achieve.  But most dancers spend years working in Los Angeles getting paid practically nothing.  So I consider myself quite lucky.&nb...
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