A collection of randomness displayed for your pleasure...

Just a way for me to get rid of my frustrations without people knowing who I am...it causes too much trouble...

** names have been changed **

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Another Idea!!

September 21, 2009
Lake Flaccid This will either be a raunchy hilarious gay porno, or a raunchy hilarious porno about old people who can't get it up.   OOORRR!!   They can be two separate ideas. On one side of the lake there's old people. The next idea is on the other side of the lake there would…
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Recent Entries

  • Story Ideas
    September 9, 2009
    I don't know what to call them yet, but I got a few ideas for movies or books while I was stoned...lol The first idea that I won't elaborate too much on is possibly a parody to the Amityville Horror movies. It's set in an apartment building. Just an average apartment building. It pretty much…
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  • The News Today…RANT
    February 24, 2008
    Today: Death...death...death...death...weather...death...helping the homeless...Breaking News: death!...more detailed weather...law may pass to try and prevent more death...death...Have a good evening. WUUUUT? Since when is being knowledgeable about our world mean keeping track of how many people...
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  • CG
    February 20, 2008
    I applied to the Ceremonial Guard for the Summer. If I get in, I'll get $10 000!!! So I'm hoping I get in. I'm on standby right now which means that if someone doesn't pass the physical or don't want to go, then I get to go! I really hope this happens... I've lost my…
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  • :)
    November 19, 2007
    Reading what I wrote last year about my birthday, I know things are starting to get better. This year, my boyfriend actually stayed the whole day with me...and I'm taken aback...wow...so this is what someone who actually cares about you does...he also got me flowers...my first flowers from someon...
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  • Indeed
    November 11, 2007
    Things always go back and forth...my family and I are not close right now...I am really tired of my sister's games...so I'm not going to participate in any way...I will also be very selective of who I trust with my venting because it always turns to shit in the wrong hands...yet again my life is&...
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  • update
    March 24, 2007
    yeah...i don't know why i have 3 seperate blogs, but yeah...it's interesting...so i guess i just don't write in this one very much...but yeah...i write long things i guess...let out all my emotional baggage... kyle and i broke up...for good reason...i was pretty well being his puppet and walking ...
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  • .i don’t know why.
    March 24, 2007
    i don't know why this is happening...why i feel this way...why i don't want to breathe...i don't want to stop feeling horrible...i don't want to move on...i don't know why i can't get over it...why i can't understand that it just didn't work...why sometimes i feel nothing and other times i burst ...
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  • another entry overflowing with emo-ness
    January 27, 2007
    i want to get ride of my insecurities...find out why i'm feeling this way...where it started...how i can end it...i think that i worry too much...but then what if i don't worry enough? and i'm just floating through life without any real concern for anything...i don't want to fall for crap...i wis...
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  • holy!
    December 14, 2006
    it finally happened...the big weight of guilt has been lifted...and i'm extremely happy  :)...merry christmas! lolthat's it...lol...i'm finished my schooling for the semester, so i've been knitting like mad...lol...i finished my touque, and now i'm working on a scarf...w00t...and then severa...
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