Me, just wandering through my journey.

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Crying out loud.

December 28, 2020
I woke up crying out your name this morning. I dreamt that we were at the last place that I saw you alive, that I hugged you, that I kissed you. Then I  was holding your dead body, but you were telling me to let go. I still do not know how, I still cry…
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Recent Entries

  • Instead of doing anything productive.
    December 27, 2020
    A Survey For Sunday Snatched from @zombieinfusedtea 1. Have you ever used a dating site/app? Yeah, in the 90's and early 00's. 2. If you could live anywhere other than where you live now where would it be? Not sure, I will know when I get there. 3. Do you recycle? Yep. 4. What is…
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  • Was hoping it was just GURD
    December 27, 2020
    The last couple of days I have been MIA from the computer. I was hoping this feeling that I began having Yesterday was just my GURD acting up, but now, I am afraid that I am getting sick, if so, that is going to push me even further behind on my project. Christmas eve, I…
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  • This that, and the other.
    December 22, 2020
    Well, it is looking like I will not be finished with the first version of my screenplay this week. It is a good thing though, I would rather take my time and get enough of the work done correctly the first time, so I do not have as much to revise. I am not saying…
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  • Coming clean (Part two)
    December 21, 2020
    Things seemed to have calmed down after I yelled at Alex and quit because the mixture of the painkiller; I stupidly thought that I could clean the grill without gloves on (Drugs played a part in that decision), the crack, and the constant problems about working at the restaurant was just too much...
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  • Coming clean (Part one)
    December 20, 2020
    The last couple of days have been decent.  I have just allowed myself to relax and reflected on my thought pattern recently. I need to keep an eye on that, because if I don't, I could get off course. That is the life of having a mind that goes goofy at times. I came clean…
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  • This, that, and the other.
    December 17, 2020
    I have been dealing with an annoying toothache. One of them that just throbbs, lingers, then ebbs, never really getting above a two or three on the pain scale, but does not really goes away for a couple of days. It has slowed me down on my project, I am still thinking that I will…
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  • Asset 5
    Fond memories.
    December 16, 2020
    I might as well explain why I am writing this journal a little more. As I mentioned in my last post, change is the reason for it. Well, the change is that I am going to start living life as I should have all along, and it starts with a decision to quit just saying…
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  • Background
    December 16, 2020
    Since this is my first post here. I guess I should give a quick description of my past, and my goals for writing this journal. I was raised between my abusive alcoholic/drug addict parents, and my abusive, highly conservative, religious maternal grandparents. One of the greatest things I have lea...
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