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Beginning of the End

May 6, 2020
As soon as the courthouses open, my husband is going to file for divorce. He also wants the apartment. So I'm currently searching for another place to live. He's left me in our apartment until then. He's been living at his grandpa's for three weeks tomorrow and I can tell from the way he talks&he...
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Recent Entries

  • He forgot to put it back on..
    April 23, 2020
    My husband has been gone from our apartment for one week. He's calling the place he is staying HIS home and our apartment MY home. And he's removed his ring. "I forgot to put it back on." Well, dude, that was YESTERDAY and when I saw you today, you still weren't wearing it. I know…
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  • Selfishness?
    April 18, 2020
    He doesn't know when he's coming home. He has left me without a car. But today he took me to the store so that I could get food. Followed me around without talking for the 30 minutes that I could stand having him do so. He also paid for it all. Tonight was a night…
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  • Uncertainties…
    April 17, 2020
    I'm struggling today. I finally told my sister after weeks i'd doing this on my own. He's had his family basically across the street this whole time. He and I had made plans to go for a walk tonight when I got off work. I don't know if he'll still want to. I'm half expecting…
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  • It’s down to If/When now…
    April 17, 2020
    He came back, got a bag of his stuff and left. He doesn't know if or when he'll be back. God grant me the strength to get through work tomorrow. Thankfully I have the weekend off.
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  • But for how long..
    April 16, 2020
    Well, he left. I don't know for how long. He said I've changed and he's only now seeing the real person and that I don't listen. I asked him to tell me what he's trying to say so I can repeat it back to him so he knows I heard it and he said he…
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  • I’m numb/Everything hurts.
    April 14, 2020
    I recently learned that my husband has no sexual feelings for me. That he hasn't since we started DATING. But he still married me. I'm hurt. I'm angry. I'm devastated. I saw something coming. He started spending more and more time on his phone. He was getting more and more snippy towards me. I'd ...
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