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Sat,march 3rd

March 3, 2018
Came home after working all day with my uncle. We started doing wood at 7:30 and ended at like 7pm. Two cord were my customers and two were his. I helped him with all the wood today, guess how much I made? Nothing. I live with him so I think he assumes it's payment. And…
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Recent Entries

  • friday, march 2nd
    March 2, 2018
    Had another dream about the island. One of those realistic dreams that in your mind you believe it to be true. In the dream I can even recall talking to my mentor Steve, saying I never thought I'd be back here. Ever. I never wanted to leave. I had such a good thing. Such a…
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  • Sun, feb 25.
    February 25, 2018
    Woke up, heard sample yelling, stayed in my bed. Don't want to deal with her, or the atmosphere. I'm unhappy. It's groggy outside, wet. The snow is melting and I'm losing patience. I want out. I want to live in the woods by myself. Bare foot. Alone and at peace.
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  • My story pg 22
    February 24, 2018
    School was amazing. Classes were hard but with all the extra help and attention I was able to learn and for the first time that I can remember I enjoyed learning. The teacher's were awesome. Steve had a personal living class, where he taught the kids how to deal with emotions and get over past&he...
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  • My story? Pg 21
    February 24, 2018
    School was interesting. Wake up at 6:00 be at the mess hall at 7:00 eat breakfast and meet at you homeroom at 8. Go to class till 12:00 eat lunch then be released at 12:40ish let the kids have a smoke break. (99% of the student population smoked) then start class at 1:00. Class lasted…
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  • My story? Pg 20
    February 24, 2018
    Fall came fast after that. We met at the boat docks and I found Steve first Steve was a great guy and we really bonded over the summer, I looked at him like a father, I know it was stupid but he was  kind and he taught me how to cope with my anger. How…
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  • My story? Pg 19
    February 24, 2018
    Work days were consistently hard work  but when we finished at 3:00 the rest of the day was amazing. Some days we would go swimming, someday we'd have ice cream or go fishing or canoeing. In ways this job was like summer camp. But in others it was still a job. The summer flew by…
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  • My story 18
    February 24, 2018
    The next day we started working. The school had quite a bit of land with it. Our Job was to cut wood for the school. Cut, split and stack 200 face cord of wood. It was enough to fill a small pole barn. Ken and Steve used the chain saws while we moved brush and…
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  • My story pg 17
    February 24, 2018
    When we finally arrived it was amazing. Right off the water, a huge campus. Green trees, calm breeze It looked like a paradise. There were 3 log cabins, One for the girls and two for the boy's (Since there were more boys then girls). they had one large room with about 12 bunk beds, a small…
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  • My story? Pg 16
    February 24, 2018
    Here summer was. I got all packed up for my new job. Iv had a job before. When I was 16 I worked at McDonalds to pay for my phone and attempt to buy a car. (I never made enough because I was part-time and moved to Hayden's house. So I didn't have a ride.)…
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